Fei Ren
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Structure evolution and thermoelectric properties of carbonized polydopamine thin films
H Li, Y Aulin, L Frazer, E Borguet, R Kakodkar, J Feser, Y Chen, K An, ...
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 9 (8), 6655–6660, 2017
Thermal runaway risk evaluation of Li-ion cells using a pinch–torsion test
F Ren, T Cox, H Wang
Journal of power sources 249, 156-162, 2014
Thermoelectric and mechanical properties of multi-wall carbon nanotube doped Bi0.4Sb1.6Te3 thermoelectric material
F Ren, H Wang, P Menchhofer, J Kiggans
Appl. Phys. Lett 103, 221907, 2013
Resonant ultrasound spectroscopy measurement of Young's modulus, shear modulus and Poisson's ratio as a function of porosity for alumina and hydroxyapatite
F Ren, ED Case, A Morrison, M Tafesse, MJ Baumann
Philosophical Magazine 89 (14), 1163-1182, 2009
The high-temperature elastic moduli of polycrystalline PbTe measured by resonant ultrasound spectroscopy
F Ren, ED Case, JR Sootsman, MG Kanatzidis, H Kong, C Uher, ...
Acta Materialia 56 (20), 5954-5963, 2008
Part I: Porosity dependence of the Weibull modulus for hydroxyapatite and other brittle materials
X Fan, ED Case, F Ren, Y Shu, MJ Baumann
Journal of the Mechanical behavior of Biomedical Materials 8, 21-36, 2012
Nanostructured thermoelectric materials and high-efficiency power-generation modules
TP Hogan, A Downey, J Short, J D’Angelo, CI Wu, E Quarez, ...
Journal of Electronic Materials 36, 704-710, 2007
Rehabilitation of notch damaged steel beams using a carbon fiber reinforced hybrid polymeric-matrix composite
H Zhou, T Attard, Y Wang, JA Wang, F Ren
Composite Structures 106, 690–702, 2013
Hardness as a function of composition for n-type LAST thermoelectric material
F Ren, ED Case, EJ Timm, HJ Schock
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 455 (1-2), 340-345, 2008
Part II: Fracture strength and elastic modulus as a function of porosity for hydroxyapatite and other brittle materials
X Fan, ED Case, F Ren, Y Shu, MJ Baumann
Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 8, 99-110, 2012
Synthesis and catalytic performance of polydopamine supported metal nanoparticles
H Li, J Xi, AG Donaghue, J Keum, Y Zhao, K An, ER McKenzie, F Ren
Scientific reports 10 (1), 10416, 2020
Electrical and mechanical properties of poly(dopamine)-modified copper/reduced graphene oxide composites
Z Jia, H Li, Y Zhao, L Frazer, B Qian, E Borguet, F Ren, D Dikin
Journal of Materials Science 52 (19), 11620–11629, 2017
Visualizing the Structural Evolution of LSM/xYSZ Composite Cathodes for SOFC by in-situ Neutron Diffraction
Y Chen, L Yang, F Ren, K An
Scientific reports 4 (1), 5179, 2014
Cooling performance of transverse thermoelectric devices
B Qian, F Ren
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 95, 787-794, 2016
Failure analysis of pinch-torsion tests as a thermal runaway risk evaluation method of Li-Ion Cells
Y Xia, T Li, F Ren, Y Gao, H Wang
J. Power Source 256, 356-362, 2014
The development of in situ fracture toughness evaluation techniques in hydrogen environment
JA Wang, F Ren, T Tan, K Liu
Inter. J. Hydrogen Energy 40, 2013-24, 2015
Young's modulus as a function of composition for an n-type lead–antimony–silver–telluride (LAST) thermoelectric material
F Ren, ED Case, EJ Timm, HJ Schock
Philosophical Magazine 87 (31), 4907-4934, 2007
Temperature-dependent elastic moduli of lead telluride-based thermoelectric materials
F Ren, ED Case, JE Ni, EJ Timm, E Lara-Curzio, RM Trejo, CH Lin, ...
Philosophical Magazine 89 (2), 143-167, 2009
Weibull analysis of the biaxial fracture strength of a cast p-type LAST-T thermoelectric material
F Ren, ED Case, EJ Timm, MD Jacobs, HJ Schock
Philosophical magazine letters 86 (10), 673-682, 2006
Porosity dependence of elastic moduli in LAST (lead–antimony–silver–tellurium) thermoelectric materials
JE Ni, F Ren, ED Case, EJ Timm
Materials Chemistry and Physics 118 (2-3), 459-466, 2009
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Articles 1–20