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Cited by
Locating and characterizing a crack in concrete with diffuse ultrasound: A four-point bending test
É Larose, A Obermann, A Digulescu, T Planès, JF Chaix, F Mazerolle, ...
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 138 (1), 232-241, 2015
Recent advances in non-stationary signal processing based on the concept of recurrence plot analysis
C Ioana, A Digulescu, A Serbanescu, I Candel, FM Birleanu
Translational Recurrences: From Mathematical Theory to Real-World …, 2014
Electrical arc surveillance and localization system based on advanced signal processing techniques
A Digulescu, M Paun, C Vasile, T Petrut, D Deacu, C Ioana, R Tamas
2014 IEEE International Energy Conference (ENERGYCON), 426-430, 2014
New approach of UAV movement detection and characterization using advanced signal processing methods based on UWB sensing
A Digulescu, C Despina-Stoian, D Stănescu, F Popescu, F Enache, ...
Sensors 20 (20), 5904, 2020
Applications of Transient Signal Analysis using the concept of recurrence plot analysis
A Digulescu, I Murgan, C Ioana, I Candel, A Serbanescu
Recurrence Plots and Their Quantifications: Expanding Horizons: Proceedings …, 2016
A new method of secure authentication based on electromagnetic signatures of chipless RFID tags and machine learning approaches
D Nastasiu, R Scripcaru, A Digulescu, C Ioana, R De Amorim Jr, N Barbot, ...
Sensors 20 (21), 6385, 2020
Multi-lag phase diagram analysis for transient signal characterization
C Bernard, A Digulescu, A Girard, C Ioana
Recurrence Plots and Their Quantifications: Expanding Horizons: Proceedings …, 2016
Advanced signal processing techniques for detection and localization of electrical arcs
A Digulescu, T Petrut, C Bernard, I Candel, C Ioana, A Serbanescu
2014 10th International Conference on Communications (COMM), 1-4, 2014
Comparative Analysis of User Exposure to the Electromagnetic Radiation Emitted by the Fourth and Fifth Generations of Wi-Fi Communication Devices
A Sârbu, S Miclăuș, A Digulescu, P Bechet
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (23), 8837, 2020
A novel approach for characterization of transient signals using the phase diagram features
D Stanescu, A Digulescu, C Ioana, A Serbanescu
2021 IEEE International Conference on Microwaves, Antennas, Communications …, 2021
Cavitating vortex characterization based on acoustic signal detection
A Digulescu, I Murgan, I Candel, F Bunea, G Ciocan, DM Bucur, G Dunca, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 49 (8), 082009, 2016
Uwb sensing for uav and human comparative movement characterization
A Digulescu, C Despina-Stoian, F Popescu, D Stanescu, D Nastasiu, ...
Sensors 23 (4), 1956, 2023
Optimization of partial discharge detection in high voltage cables based on advanced signal processing techniques
I Candel, A Digulescu, C Ioana, A Serbanescu, E Sofron
2012 11th International Conference on Information Science, Signal Processing …, 2012
Entropy-based characterization of the transient phenomena—systemic approach
D Stanescu, A Digulescu, C Ioana, A Serbanescu
Mathematics 9 (6), 648, 2021
Frequency Analysis of Vibrations in Terms of Human Exposure While Driving Military Armoured Personnel Carriers and Logistic Transportation Vehicles
D Voicu, RM Stoica, R Vilău, M Marinescu, A Digulescu, ...
Electronics 12 (14), 3152, 2023
Electric arc locator in photovoltaic power systems using advanced signal processing techniques
A Digulescu, I Candel, J Dahmani, D Deacu, C Ioana, V Gabriel
Proceedings ELMAR-2013, 129-132, 2013
Water hammer effect characterization using an acoustic signal processing approach
A Digulescu, I Candel, C Ioana, G Vasile, G Dunca, DM Bucur, ...
2015 9th International Symposium on Advanced Topics in Electrical …, 2015
Early-Warning Indicators of Power Cable Weaknesses for Offshore Wind Farms
D Stanescu, A Digulescu, C Ioana, I Candel
OCEANS 2023-MTS/IEEE US Gulf Coast, 1-6, 2023
Phase diagram-based sensing with adaptive waveform design and recurrent states quantification for the instantaneous frequency law tracking
A Digulescu, C Ioana, A Serbanescu
Sensors 19 (11), 2434, 2019
Flow rate computation of highly turbulent pipe flows using wide-band signals and matched filter-based approach in ultrasonic multi-element configuration
T Petrut, C Ioana, A Anghel, I Candel, G Vasile
10th International Conference of Hydraulic Efficiency Measurement (IGHEM), 1-12, 2014
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Articles 1–20