V. Leonardo Paucar
V. Leonardo Paucar
Professor, Federal University of Maranhao (UFMA), Brazil
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Artificial neural networks for solving the power flow problem in electric power systems
VL Paucar, MJ Rider
Electric Power Systems Research 62 (2), 139-144, 2002
Application of a nonlinear reactive power pricing model for competitive electric markets
MJ Rider, VL Paucar
IEE Proceedings-Generation, Transmission and Distribution 151 (3), 407-414, 2004
Reactive power pricing in deregulated electrical markets using a methodology based on the theory of marginal costs
VL Paucar, MJ Rider
LESCOPE 01. 2001 Large Engineering Systems Conference on Power Engineering …, 2001
Evaluation of the PMUs measurement channels availability for observability analysis
RJ Albuquerque, VL Paucar
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 28 (3), 2536-2544, 2013
Fuzzy power flow: considerations and application to the planning and operation of a real power system
PA Pajan, VL Paucar
Proceedings. International Conference on Power System Technology 1, 433-437, 2002
Enhanced higher-order interior-point method to minimise active power losses in electric energy systems
MJ Rider, VL Paucar, AV Garcia
IEE Proceedings-Generation, Transmission and Distribution 151 (4), 517-525, 2004
Long term hydrothermal scheduling linear programming model for large scale power systems
RW Jimenez, VL Paucar
2007 large engineering systems conference on power engineering, 96-100, 2007
Interdigitated electrode for electrical characterization of commercial pseudo-binary biodiesel–diesel blends
IS Santos-Neto, CD Carvalho, GBA Filho, CDSS Andrade, GCO Santos, ...
Sensors 21 (21), 7288, 2021
Power flow model based on artificial neural networks
HH Muller, MJ Rider, CA Castro, VL Paucar
2005 IEEE Russia Power Tech, 1-6, 2005
Higher order interior-point method for minimising load-shedding in a competitive electric power market
MJ Rider, CA Castro, VL Paucar, AV Garcia
IEE Proceedings-Generation, Transmission and Distribution 151 (4), 433-440, 2004
Robust and coordinated tuning of PSS and FACTS-PODs of interconnected systems considering signal transmission delay using ant lion optimizer
RN Diniz Costa Filho, VL Paucar
Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems 29, 625-639, 2018
Optimal power flow solution including the syncronous generator capability curve constraints with a convex relaxation method
IG Fernandes, VL Paucar, OR Saavedra
2017 IEEE URUCON, 1-4, 2017
Power system unit commitment incorporating wind energy and battery energy storage
FB Pereira, VL Paucar, FS Saraiva
2018 IEEE XXV International Conference on Electronics, Electrical …, 2018
A higher order interior point method to minimize active power loss in electric energy systems
MJ Rider, VL Paucar, AV Garcia, MF Bedrinana
Large Engineering Systems Conference on Power Engineering, 2003, 189-193, 2003
A methodology based on neural networks for the determination of the critical clearing time of power systems transient stability
VL Paucar, FC Fernandes
Proceedings. International Conference on Power System Technology 4, 2669-2673, 2002
A multi-objective optimization model for robust tuning of wide-area PSSs for enhancement and control of power system angular stability
RND Costa Filho, VL Paucar
Results in Control and Optimization 3, 100011, 2021
Impacts of synchronous generator capability curve in power system analyses trough a convex optimal power flow
IG Fernandes, VL Paucar, OR Saavedra
2019 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference-Latin America …, 2019
Transmission network cost allocation considering counterflows
CC Alves, OR Saavedra, A Vargas, M Arias, VL Paucar
IEEE Latin America Transactions 9 (3), 323-330, 2011
On the use of artificial neural networks for enhanced convergence of the load flow problem in power systems
VL Paucar, MJ Rider
Proceedings of Intelligent Systems Applications to Power Systems, ISAP01 1 …, 2001
Transient stability using energy function method in power systems close to voltage collapse
MF Bedrinana, VL Paucar, CA Castro
2007 large engineering systems conference on power engineering, 226-228, 2007
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Articles 1–20