Shannon Jones
Shannon Jones
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Cited by
Clap and fling mechanism with interacting porous wings in tiny insect flight
A Santhanakrishnan, AK Robinson, S Jones, AA Low, S Gadi, TL Hedrick, ...
Journal of Experimental Biology 217 (21), 3898-3909, 2014
Bristles reduce the force required to ‘fling’wings apart in the smallest insects
SK Jones, YJJ Yun, TL Hedrick, BE Griffith, LA Miller
Journal of Experimental Biology 219 (23), 3759-3772, 2016
Lift vs. drag based mechanisms for vertical force production in the smallest flying insects
SK Jones, R Laurenza, TL Hedrick, BE Griffith, LA Miller
Journal of theoretical biology 384, 105-120, 2015
Reconfiguration and the reduction of vortex-induced vibrations in broad leaves
LA Miller, A Santhanakrishnan, S Jones, C Hamlet, K Mertens, L Zhu
Journal of Experimental Biology 215 (15), 2716-2727, 2012
Flow Structure and Force Generation on Flapping Wings at Low Reynolds Numbers Relevant to the Flight of Tiny Insects
A Santhanakrishnan, S Jones, W Dickson, M Peek, V Kasoju, M Dickinson, ...
Fluids 3 (3), 45, 2018
Spotted lanternfly predicted to establish in California by 2033 without preventative management
C Jones, MM Skrip, BJ Seliger, S Jones, T Wakie, Y Takeuchi, V Petras, ...
Communications Biology 5 (1), 558, 2022
Iteratively forecasting biological invasions with PoPS and a little help from our friends
CM Jones, S Jones, A Petrasova, V Petras, D Gaydos, MM Skrip, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 19 (7), 411-418, 2021
Fabrication of biodegradable nano test tubes by template synthesis
JL Perry, P Guo, SK Johnson, H Mukaibo, JD Stewart, CR Martin
Nanomedicine 5 (8), 1151-1160, 2010
Evaluating online and tangible interfaces for engaging stakeholders in forecasting and control of biological invasions
DA Gaydos, CM Jones, SK Jones, GC Millar, V Petras, A Petrasova, ...
Ecological Applications 31 (8), e02446, 2021
A computational fluid dynamics study of the smallest flying insects
SK Jones
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2016
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Articles 1–10