Sheng Xi
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Cited by
Experimental verification of reversed Cherenkov radiation in left-handed metamaterial
S Xi, H Chen, T Jiang, L Ran, J Huangfu, BI Wu, JA Kong, M Chen
Physical review letters 103 (19), 194801, 2009
Planar focusing antenna design by using coordinate transformation technology
F Kong, BI Wu, JA Kong, J Huangfu, S Xi, H Chen
Applied Physics Letters 91 (25), 2007
Research progress in reversed Cherenkov radiation in double-negative metamaterials
Z Duan, BI Wu, S Xi, H Chen, M Chen
Progress in electromagnetics research 90, 75-87, 2009
One-directional perfect cloak created with homogeneous material
S Xi, H Chen, BI Wu, JA Kong
IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters 19 (3), 131-133, 2009
Experimental demonstration of a free-space cylindrical cloak without superluminal propagation
S Xu, X Cheng, S Xi, R Zhang, HO Moser, Z Shen, Y Xu, Z Huang, ...
Physical review letters 109 (22), 223903, 2012
Application of coordinate transformation in bent waveguides
J Huangfu, S Xi, F Kong, J Zhang, H Chen, D Wang, BI Wu, L Ran, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 104 (1), 2008
Route to low-scattering cylindrical cloaks with finite permittivity and permeability
S Xi, H Chen, B Zhang, BI Wu, JA Kong
Physical Review B 79 (15), 155122, 2009
JJ Zhang, Y Luo, S Xi, H Chen, LX Ran, BI Wu, JA and Kong
Progress In Electromagnetics Research 81, 437 - 446, 2008
Cylindrical cloak with axial permittivity/permeability spatially invariant
Y Luo, J Zhang, H Chen, S Xi, BI Wu
Applied Physics Letters 93 (3), 2008
Experimental confirmation of guidance properties using planar anisotropic left-handed metamaterial slabs based on S-ring resonators
S Xi, H Chen, BI Wu, J Kong
Progress In Electromagnetics Research 84, 279-287, 2008
Enhancement of radiation properties of a compact planar antenna using transformation media as substrates
Z Duan, BI Wu, J Kong, F Kong, S Xi
Progress In Electromagnetics Research 83, 375-384, 2008
Solar wind control of auroral Alfvénic power generated in the magnetotail
B Zhang, W Lotko, O Brambles, S Xi, M Wiltberger, J Lyon
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 119 (3), 1734-1748, 2014
Design and application of a beam shifter by transformation media
MY Wang, JJ Zhang, H Chen, Y Luo, S Xi, LX Ran, J Kong
Progress in electromagnetics research 83, 147-155, 2008
Effects of different transformations on the performance of cylindrical cloaks
S Xi, H Chen, BI Wu, B Zhang, J Huangfu, D Wang, JA Kong
Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications 22 (11-12), 1489-1497, 2008
Lateral displacement of an electromagnetic beam reflected from a grounded indefinite uniaxial slab
F Kong, BI Wu, H Huang, J Huangfu, S Xi, J Kong
Progress In Electromagnetics Research 82, 351-366, 2008
Poynting flux‐conserving low‐altitude boundary conditions for global magnetospheric models
S Xi, W Lotko, B Zhang, OJ Brambles, JG Lyon, VG Merkin, M Wiltberger
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 120 (1), 384-400, 2015
Achieving large effective aperture antenna with small volume based on coordinate transformation
D Ye, S Xi, H Chen, J Huangfu, LX Ran
Progress In Electromagnetics Research 111, 407-418, 2011
Effects of auroral potential drops on plasma sheet dynamics
S Xi, W Lotko, B Zhang, M Wiltberger, J Lyon
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 121 (11), 11,129-11,144, 2016
Effects of Auroral Potential Drops on Field-Aligned Currents and Nightside Reconnection Dynamos
W Lotko, S Xi, B Zhang, MJ Wiltberger, J Lyon
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, SM54A-07, 2016
Implementation and Effects of Low-Altitude Boundary Conditions in Global Magnetosphere Models
S Xi
Dartmouth College, 2015
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Articles 1–20