Juhwan Park
Juhwan Park
Assistant Professor, Kookmin University
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Towards practical sample preparation in point-of-care testing: user-friendly microfluidic devices
J Park, DH Han, JK Park
Lab on a Chip 20 (7), 1191-1203, 2020
Pressed paper-based dipstick for detection of foodborne pathogens with multistep reactions
J Park, JH Shin, JK Park
Analytical chemistry 88 (7), 3781-3788, 2016
Programmed sample delivery on a pressurized paper
JH Shin*, J Park*, SH Kim, JK Park
Biomicrofluidics 8 (5), 054121, 2014
Pressed region integrated 3D paper-based microfluidic device that enables vertical flow multistep assays for the detection of C-reactive protein based on programmed reagent loading
J Park, JK Park
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 246, 1049-1055, 2017
Finger-actuated microfluidic device for the blood cross-matching test
J Park, JK Park
Lab on a Chip 18 (8), 1215-1222, 2018
Multiplexed detection of foodborne pathogens from contaminated lettuces using a handheld multistep lateral flow assay device
JH Shin, J Hong, H Go, J Park, M Kong, S Ryu, KP Kim, E Roh, JK Park
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 66 (1), 290-297, 2018
Integrated microfluidic pumps and valves operated by finger actuation
J Park, JK Park
Lab on a Chip 19 (18), 2973-2977, 2019
Pushbutton-activated microfluidic dropenser for droplet digital PCR
J Park, KG Lee, DH Han, JS Lee, SJ Lee, JK Park
Biosensors and Bioelectronics 181, 113159, 2021
Integrated pumpless microfluidic chip for the detection of foodborne pathogens by polymerase chain reaction and electrochemical analysis
YM Park*, J Park*, SY Lim, Y Kwon, NH Bae, JK Park, SJ Lee
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 329, 129130, 2021
Finger-actuated microfluidic display for smart blood typing
J Park, JK Park
Analytical Chemistry 91 (18), 11636-11642, 2019
Experimental analysis of porosity and permeability in pressed paper
J Park, JH Shin, JK Park
Micromachines 7 (3), 48, 2016
On-site extraction and purification of bacterial nucleic acids from blood samples using an unpowered microfluidic device
CH Kim*, J Park*, SJ Kim, DH Ko, SH Lee, SJ Lee, JK Park, MK Lee
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 320, 128346, 2020
Reciprocating flow-assisted nucleic acid purification using a finger-actuated microfluidic device
J Park*, DH Han*, SH Hwang, JK Park
Lab on a Chip 20 (18), 3346-3353, 2020
Colorimetric detection of Escherichia coli O157: H7 with signal enhancement using size-based filtration on a finger-powered microfluidic device
Y Jo*, J Park*, JK Park
Sensors 20 (8), 2267, 2020
Finger-actuated microfluidic concentration gradient generator compatible with a microplate
J Park*, H Roh*, JK Park
Micromachines 10 (3), 174, 2019
Foldable paper-based analytical device for the detection of an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor using an angle-based readout
S Lee, J Park, JK Park
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 273, 322-327, 2018
Microfluidic channel-integrated hanging drop array chip operated by pushbuttons for spheroid culture and analysis
J Park, H Kim, JK Park
Analyst 145 (21), 6974-6980, 2020
Organic solvent and surfactant resistant paper-fluidic devices fabricated by one-step embossing of nonwoven polypropylene sheet
JH Shin, J Park, JK Park
Micromachines 8 (1), 30, 2017
Beads-and oil-free single molecule assay with immuno-rolling circle amplification for detection of SARS-CoV-2 from saliva
J Park, M Park, J Kim, Y Heo, BH Han, N Choi, C Park, R Lee, DG Lee, ...
Biosensors and Bioelectronics 232, 115316, 2023
Highly stable integration of graphene Hall sensors on a microfluidic platform for magnetic sensing in whole blood
N Shah, V Iyer, Z Zhang, Z Gao, J Park, V Yelleswarapu, F Aflatouni, ...
Microsystems & Nanoengineering 9 (1), 71, 2023
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Articles 1–20