Cristian Patrascioiu
Cristian Patrascioiu
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PID Controller optimal tuning
B Doicin, M Popescu, C Patrascioiu
2016 8th International Conference on Electronics, Computers and Artificial …, 2016
Control Valves- Modeling and Simulation
C Patrascioiu, C Panaitescu, N Paraschiv
WSEAS International Conference. Proceedings. Mathematics and Computers in …, 2009
Modeling and simulation of the double tube heat exchanger case studies
C Patrascioiu, S Radulescu
Advances in Fluid Mechanics & Heat & Mass Transfer, 35-41, 2012
Specific Problems of Using Unisim Design in the Dynamic Simulation of the Propylene-Propane Distillation Column
C Patrascioiu, M Popescu, N Paraschiv
Revista de chimie 65 (9), 1086-1091, 2014
The applications of the non-linear equations systems algorithms for the heat transfer processes
C Patrascioiu, C Marinoiu
Proceedings of the 12th WSEAS International Conference on Mathematical …, 2010
Metode numerice aplicate in ingineria chimica
V Marinoiu, C Stratula, A Petcu, C Patrascioiu, C Marinescu
Editura Tehnica, Bucuresti, 382, 1986
Implementation of advanced process control in refineries
N Nicolae, M Popescu, C Patrascioiu
2019 23rd International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing …, 2019
Crude distillation process simulation using Unisim Design simulator
C Patrascioiu, M Jamali
International Journal of Chemical and Molecular Engineering 12 (7), 340-346, 2018
Control of propylene - propane distillation process using Unisim®design
C Patrascioiu, CM Anh, M Popescu
2015 19th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing …, 2015
New Approach in Modelling, Simulation and Hierarchical Control of the Fluid Catalytic Cracking Process
C Popa, C Patrascioiu
REV. CHIM.(Bucharest) 61 (4), 419-426, 2010
Advanced control system for crude oil plant—a case study
V Marinoiu, N Paraschiv, C Patrascioiu, V Cartoaje
Computers & chemical engineering 20, S1125-S1129, 1996
Modelling and optimal control of an industrial furnace
C Patrascioiu, V Marinoiu
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 31 (11), 477-482, 1998
Conducerea cu calculatorul a procesului de separare a propenei
V Marinoiu, N Paraschiv, C Patrascioiu
Revista de chimie 37 (11), 990-994, 1986
Modelling and simulation of natural gas compression plant
C Patrascioiu, M Popescu
2021 13th International Conference on Electronics, Computers and Artificial …, 2021
Petroleum Fractions Liquid–Vapor Equilibrium Simulation using Unisim Design
C Patrascioiu, G Stamatescu
Rev. Chim.(Bucharest) 66, 1867-1876, 2015
Property estimation of commercial ecological gasoline
C Patrascioiu, B Doicin
Chemical Eng Trans 43, 247-253, 2015
The Numerical Algorithms Used to the Identification of the First Order Dynamic Models. Case Study
C Patrascioiu, D Mihaescu, SA Oltchim
Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference Modelling, Identification …, 2011
Modeling and dynamic simulation of propane-propylene distillation column with heat pump using Aspen Hysys
MA Cao, C Patrascioiu, N Paraschiv
2019 23rd International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing …, 2019
Monitoring pH with HART communication
C Patrascioiu, G Stamatescu
2017 9th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and …, 2017
A Comparative Study of the Modeling and Quality Control of the Propylene-Propane Classical Distillation and Distillation Column with Heat Pump
C Patrascioiu, CM Ahn
International Journal of Chemical and Molecular Engineering 11 (5), 394-399, 2017
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Articles 1–20