Craig R Brodersen
Craig R Brodersen
Yale School of the Environment
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Triggers of tree mortality under drought
B Choat, TJ Brodribb, CR Brodersen, RA Duursma, R López, BE Medlyn
Nature 558 (7711), 531-539, 2018
The dynamics of embolism repair in xylem: in vivo visualizations using high-resolution computed tomography
CR Brodersen, AJ McElrone, B Choat, MA Matthews, KA Shackel
Plant physiology 154 (3), 1088-1095, 2010
Maintenance of xylem network transport capacity: a review of embolism repair in vascular plants
CR Brodersen, AJ McElrone
Frontiers in plant science 4, 108, 2013
Measurement of vulnerability to water stress‐induced cavitation in grapevine: a comparison of four techniques applied to a long‐vesseled species
B Choat, WM Drayton, C Brodersen, MA Matthews, KA Shackel, H Wada, ...
Plant, Cell & Environment 33 (9), 1502-1512, 2010
Outside-xylem vulnerability, not xylem embolism, controls leaf hydraulic decline during dehydration
C Scoffoni, C Albuquerque, CR Brodersen, SV Townes, GP John, ...
Plant physiology 173 (2), 1197-1210, 2017
In Vivo Visualizations of Drought-Induced Embolism Spread in Vitis vinifera
CR Brodersen, AJ McElrone, B Choat, EF Lee, KA Shackel, MA Matthews
Plant physiology 161 (4), 1820-1829, 2013
Water uptake and transport in vascular plants
AJ McElrone, B Choat, GA Gambetta, CR Brodersen
Nature Education Knowledge 4 (5), 6, 2013
Direct X-ray microtomography observation confirms the induction of embolism upon xylem cutting under tension
JM Torres-Ruiz, S Jansen, B Choat, AJ McElrone, H Cochard, TJ Brodribb, ...
Plant Physiology 167 (1), 40-43, 2015
Do changes in light direction affect absorption profiles in leaves?
CR Brodersen, TC Vogelmann
Functional Plant Biology 37 (5), 403-412, 2010
Functional status of xylem through time
CR Brodersen, AB Roddy, JW Wason, AJ McElrone
Annual Review of Plant Biology 70 (1), 407-433, 2019
Synchrotron X‐ray microtomography of xylem embolism in Sequoia sempervirens saplings during cycles of drought and recovery
B Choat, CR Brodersen, AJ McElrone
New Phytologist 205 (3), 1095-1105, 2015
Mechanical failure of fine root cortical cells initiates plant hydraulic decline during drought
IF Cuneo, T Knipfer, CR Brodersen, AJ McElrone
Plant Physiology 172 (3), 1669-1678, 2016
Automated analysis of three‐dimensional xylem networks using high‐resolution computed tomography
CR Brodersen, EF Lee, B Choat, S Jansen, RJ Phillips, KA Shackel, ...
New Phytologist 191 (4), 1168-1179, 2011
A new paradigm in leaf‐level photosynthesis: direct and diffuse lights are not equal
CR Brodersen, TC Vogelmann, WE Williams, HL Gorton
Plant, cell & environment 31 (1), 159-164, 2008
Leaf vein xylem conduit diameter influences susceptibility to embolism and hydraulic decline
C Scoffoni, C Albuquerque, CR Brodersen, SV Townes, GP John, ...
New Phytologist 213 (3), 1076-1092, 2017
The scaling of genome size and cell size limits maximum rates of photosynthesis with implications for ecological strategies
AB Roddy, G Théroux-Rancourt, T Abbo, JW Benedetti, CR Brodersen, ...
International Journal of Plant Sciences 181 (1), 75-87, 2020
Bark water uptake promotes localized hydraulic recovery in coastal redwood crown
J Mason Earles, O Sperling, LCR Silva, AJ McElrone, CR Brodersen, ...
Plant, Cell & Environment 39 (2), 320-328, 2016
Functional xylem characteristics associated with drought‐induced embolism in angiosperms
F Lens, SM Gleason, G Bortolami, C Brodersen, S Delzon, S Jansen
New Phytologist 236 (6), 2019-2036, 2022
The parenchyma of secondary xylem and its critical role in tree defense against fungal decay in relation to the CODIT model
H Morris, C Brodersen, FWMR Schwarze, S Jansen
Frontiers in Plant Science 7, 1665, 2016
Grapevine species from varied native habitats exhibit differences in embolism formation/repair associated with leaf gas exchange and root pressure
T Knipfer, A Eustis, C Brodersen, AM Walker, AJ McElrone
Plant, Cell & Environment 38 (8), 1503-1513, 2015
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Articles 1–20