Gülis Zengin
Gülis Zengin
Principle Optical Engineer, Microsoft
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Realizing Strong Light-Matter Interactions between Single-Nanoparticle Plasmons and Molecular Excitons at Ambient Conditions
G Zengin, M Wersäll, S Nilsson, TJ Antosiewicz, M Käll, T Shegai
Physical review letters 114 (15), 157401, 2015
A bimetallic nanoantenna for directional colour routing
T Shegai, S Chen, VD Miljković, G Zengin, P Johansson, M Käll
Nature communications 2 (1), 481, 2011
Approaching the strong coupling limit in single plasmonic nanorods interacting with J-aggregates
G Zengin, G Johansson, P Johansson, TJ Antosiewicz, M Käll, T Shegai
Scientific reports 3 (1), 3074, 2013
Color-converting combinations of nanocrystal emitters for warm-white light generation with high color rendering index
S Nizamoglu, G Zengin, HV Demir
Applied Physics Letters 92 (3), 2008
Evaluating conditions for strong coupling between nanoparticle plasmons and organic dyes using scattering and absorption spectroscopy
G Zengin, T Gschneidtner, R Verre, L Shao, TJ Antosiewicz, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120 (37), 20588-20596, 2016
A bimetallic nanoantenna for directional colour routing Nat
T Shegai, S Chen, VD Miljković, G Zengin, P Johansson, M Käll
Commun 2 (1), 1-6, 2011
Directional light extinction and emission in a metasurface of tilted plasmonic nanopillars
R Verre, M Svedendahl, NO Länk, ZJ Yang, G Zengin, TJ Antosiewicz, ...
Nano Letters 16 (1), 98-104, 2016
Spatially Selective Assembly of Quantum Dot Light Emitters in an LED Using Engineered Peptides
HV Demir, UOS Seker, G Zengin, E Mutlugun, E Sari, C Tamerler, ...
ACS nano 5 (4), 2735-2741, 2011
Assembly Kinetics of Nanocrystals via Peptide Hybridization
UOS Seker, G Zengin, C Tamerler, M Sarikaya, HV Demir
Langmuir 27 (8), 4867-4872, 2011
Conference Proceedings-Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting-LEOS
G Zengin, UOS Seker, M Sarikaya, C Tamerler, HV Demir
2009 IEEE LEOS Annual Meeting Conference, LEOS'09, 2009
Targeted self assembly of quantum-dot nano-emitters using genetically engineered inorganic binding peptides
UOS Seker, G Zengin, E Multugun, E Sari, H Demir, C Tamerler, ...
Febs Journal 275, 97-97, 2008
Quantum dot emitters integrated with smart peptides
G Zengin, UOS Seker, M Sarikaya, C Tamerler, HV Demir
2009 IEEE LEOS Annual Meeting Conference Proceedings, 88-89, 2009
Multi-material specific, targeted self-assembly of nanocrystal emitters using genetically engineered peptides on optoelectronic microchips
G Zengin, UOS Seker, A Koc, E Mutlugun, O Akyuz, E Sari, M Sarikaya, ...
LEOS 2008-21st Annual Meeting of the IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society …, 2008
Warm white light generating nanocrystal hybridized LEDs with high color rendering index
HV Demir, S Nizamoglu, G Zengin
LEOS 2008-21st Annual Meeting of the IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society …, 2008
Plasmonic nanoantennas for SERS, directional light, sensing and strong coupling
G Zengin, V Miljković, P Johansson, M Käll, T Shegai
2013 15th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), 1-3, 2013
In the abstract by UOS Seker et al.[1] the authors wish to make the following correction to the author names
UOS Seker, G Zengin, E Multugun, E Sari, HV Demir, C Tamerler, ...
Supporting Information for Evaluating Conditions for Strong Coupling between Nanoparticle Plasmons and Organic Dyes using Scattering and Absorption Spectroscopy
G Zengin, T Gschneidtner, R Verre, L Shao, TJ Antosiewicz, ...
Supplementary information for” A Bimetallic Nanoantenna for Directional Colour Routing”
T Shegai, S Chen, VD Miljković, G Zengin, P Johansson, M Käll
Realizing strong light-matter interactions between single nanoparticle plasmons and
G Zengin, M Wersäll, S Nilsson, TJ Antosiewicz, M Käll, T Shegai
Targeted Assembly of Quantum Dot Light Emitters in an LED using Engineered Peptides
G Zengin, UOS Seker, HV Demir, E Mutlugun, E Sari, C Tamerler, ...
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