Properties and performance of the prototype instrument for the Pierre Auger Observatory J Abraham, M Aglietta, IC Aguirre, M Albrow, D Allard, I Allekotte, P Allison, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2004
1197 2004 Particle number projection with effective forces M Anguiano, JL Egido, LM Robledo
Nuclear Physics A 696 (3-4), 467-493, 2001
245 2001 Comparison of FDTD-calculated specific absorption rate in adults and children when using a mobile phone at 900 and 1800 MHz M Martinez-Burdalo, A Martin, M Anguiano, R Villar
Physics in Medicine & Biology 49 (2), 345, 2004
147 2004 Coulomb exchange and pairing contributions in nuclear Hartree–Fock–Bogoliubov calculations with the Gogny force M Anguiano, JL Egido, LM Robledo
Nuclear Physics A 683 (1-4), 227-254, 2001
103 2001 G. Co’, V. De Donno, and AM Lallena M Anguiano, M Grasso
Phys. Rev. C 86 (054302), 532, 2012
85 2012 Mean-field based approaches to pairing correlations in atomic nuclei M Anguiano, JL Egido, LM Robledo
Physics Letters B 545 (1-2), 62-72, 2002
83 2002 Tensor effects in shell evolution at , , 20, and 28 using nonrelativistic and relativistic mean-field theory M Moreno-Torres, M Grasso, H Liang, V De Donno, M Anguiano, ...
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 81 (6), 064327, 2010
73 2010 Study of the human postural control system during quiet standing using detrended fluctuation analysis MT Blázquez, M Anguiano, FA de Saavedra, AM Lallena, P Carpena
Physica A: statistical Mechanics and its Applications 388 (9), 1857-1866, 2009
57 2009 Monte Carlo simulation of the electron transport through thin slabs: A comparative study of PENELOPE, GEANT3, GEANT4, EGSnrc and MCNPX M Vilches, S Garcia-Pareja, R Guerrero, M Anguiano, AM Lallena
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 2007
55 2007 Tensor parameters in Skyrme and Gogny effective interactions: Trends from a ground-state-focused study M Grasso, M Anguiano
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 88 (5), 054328, 2013
46 2013 Self-consistent continuum random-phase approximation calculations with finite-range interactions V De Donno, G Co’, M Anguiano, AM Lallena
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 83 (4), 044324, 2011
44 2011 On the safety assessment of human exposure in the proximity of cellular communications base-station antennas at 900, 1800 and 2170 MHz M Martínez-Búrdalo, A Martin, M Anguiano, R Villar
Physics in Medicine & Biology 50 (17), 4125, 2005
44 2005 Benchmark of PENELOPE for low and medium energy X-rays U Chica, M Anguiano, AM Lallena
Physica Medica 25 (2), 51-57, 2009
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31 2010 Monte Carlo simulation using the PENELOPE code with an ant colony algorithm to study MOSFET detectors MA Carvajal, S García-Pareja, D Guirado, M Vilches, M Anguiano, ...
Physics in Medicine & Biology 54 (20), 6263, 2009
27 2009 Study of the formalism used to determine the absorbed dose for low-energy x-ray beams U Chica, M Anguiano, AM Lallena
Physics in Medicine & Biology 53 (23), 6963, 2008
27 2008 Dose distribution in water for monoenergetic photon point sources in the energy range of interest in brachytherapy: Monte Carlo simulations with PENELOPE and GEANT4 JF Almansa, R Guerrero, FMO Al-Dweri, M Anguiano, AM Lallena
Radiation Physics and Chemistry 76 (5), 766-773, 2007
24 2007 A model for two-proton emission induced by electron scattering M Anguiano, AM Lallena
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 29 (6), 1119, 2003
24 * 2003 Interplay between tensor force and deformation in even–even nuclei RN Bernard, M Anguiano
Nuclear Physics A 953, 32-64, 2016
22 2016 Mean-field calculations of the ground states of exotic nuclei G Co’, V De Donno, P Finelli, M Grasso, M Anguiano, AM Lallena, ...
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 85 (2), 024322, 2012
22 2012