Ruben Iacob Munteanu
Cited by
Cited by
Modelling nonlinear behavior of 3D frames using the Force Analogy Method
GB Nica, RI Munteanu, V Calofir, M Iancovici
Structures 35, 1162-1174, 2022
New Approach to Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Reinforced Concrete 3D Frames; An Accurate and Computational Efficient Mathematical Model
RI Munteanu, F Moža, V Calofir, C Baciu
Applied Sciences 12 (3), 1692, 2022
Modelling of Structural Damage Caused by Seismic Pounding of Multi-Degree of Freedom Inelastic Structures
RI Munteanu, V Calofir, M Iancovici, GB Nica, SS Iliescu
2020 24th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing …, 2020
Building seismic behavior improvement using an optimal control algorithm
RI Munteanu, GB Nica, V Calofir, SS Iliescu, OT Sīrbu
2020 IEEE International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing …, 2020
Innovative approach to estimate structural damage using linear regression and K-nearest neighbors machine learning algorithms
V Calofir, RI Munteanu, MS Simoiu, KC Lemnaru
Results in Engineering 22, 102250, 2024
A new perspective into torsional inelastic response of actively controlled irregular multistorey buildings
RI Munteanu, R Enache, C Baciu, V Calofir
Alexandria Engineering Journal 71, 691-706, 2023
Structural damage mitigation using a fuzzy controller
RI Munteanu, I Stamatescu, V Calofir, GB Nica, SS Iliescu
2021 23rd international conference on control systems and computer science …, 2021
Large scale damage assessment framework for buildings in urban areas; The effect of active control implementation
RI Munteanu, F Moța, V Calofir, G Nica
Force Analogy Method (FAM) 3D platform
RI Munteanu, GB Nica, V Calofir, 2023
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Articles 1–9