George Jiglau
George Jiglau
Other namesGeorge Jiglău, George Jiglau-Labunet, George Jiglău-Labuneț
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Practica cercetării sociale
ER Babbie, S Gherghina, G Jiglău, M Andriescu
Polirom, 2010
The critical role of trust in experiencing and coping with energy poverty: Evidence from across Europe
K Grossmann, G Jiglau, U Dubois, A Sinea, F Martín-Consuegra, ...
Energy Research & Social Science 76, 102064, 2021
Explaining ethnic mobilisation in post-communist countries
S Gherghina, G Jiglau
Europe-Asia Studies 63 (1), 49-76, 2011
Where does the mechanism collapse? Understanding the 2008 Romanian electoral system
S Gherghina, G Jiglau
Representation 48 (4), 445-459, 2012
The ideological institutionalization of the Romanian party system
S Gherghina, G Jiglau
Romanian Journal of Political Science 11 (1), 71-90, 2011
Looking back to look forward: Reflections from networked research on energy poverty
G Jiglau, S Bouzarovski, U Dubois, M Feenstra, JP Gouveia, ...
iScience 26 (3), 2023
Playing their cards right: ethnic parties and government coalitions in postcommunist Europe
S Gherghina, G Jiglău
Nationalism and Ethnic Politics 22 (2), 220-240, 2016
Energy Poverty and the Vulnerable Consumer in Romania and Europe
A Sinea, C Murafa, G Jiglău
Presa Universitară Clujeană., 2018
Addressing energy poverty through technological and governance innovation
A Varo, G Jiglau, K Grossmann, R Guyet
Energy, Sustainability and Society 12 (1), 49, 2022
Perspectives on energy poverty in post-communist Europe
G Jiglau, A Sinea, U Dubois, P Biermann
Routledge, 2020
Energy and the social contract: From “energy consumers” to “people with a right to energy”
G Jiglau, M Hesselman, A Dobbins, K Grossmann, R Guyet, ...
Sustainable Development 32 (1), 1321-1336, 2024
The divergent paths of the ethnic parties in post-communist transitions
G Jiglau, S Gherghina
Transition Studies Review 18, 445-457, 2011
The Role of Ethnic Parties in the Europeanization Process-The Romanian Experience
S Gherghina, G Jiglau
Romanian J. Eur. Aff. 8, 82, 2008
„Ştim despre ce vorbim? O perspectivă teoretică asupra populismului”, în GHERGHINA, Sergiu, MIŞCOIU, Sergiu
G Jiglău
Partide şi personalităţi populiste în România postcomunistă, 2010
The European Green Deal and its translation into action: Multilevel governance perspectives on just transition
L Sandmann, E Bülbül, R Castano-Rosa, F Hanke, K Großmann, R Guyet, ...
Energy Research & Social Science 115, 103659, 2024
From compassion to controversy: Unraveling the impact of societal resilience on the tapestry of attitudes towards Ukrainian refugees
A Kaim, S Kimhi, M Siman-Tov, D Bankauskaite, M Baran, T Baran, ...
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 105, 104326, 2024
Conclusions: energy poverty as a threat to democracy in post-communist countries
G Jiglau
Perspectives on Energy Poverty in Post-Communist Europe, 222-228, 2020
Thieves in the night: Can a slogan trigger real improvement in Romanian politics
G Jiglau
The Conversation. Available at: http://theconversation. com/thieves-in-the …, 2017
Domestic heating transitions: a literature review
L Mccarthy, A Ambrose, K Davies, G Jiglau, S Kilpeläinen, J Palm, ...
Sheffield Hallam University, 2023
The Romanian Party System and the Permanent Desire for Change
G Jiglău
Südosteuropa Mitteilungen, 56-71, 2019
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Articles 1–20