Input current shaper based on the series connection of a voltage source and a loss-free resistor J Sebastián, MM Hernando, A Fernández, PJ Villegas, J Díaz IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 37 (2), 583-591, 2001 | 137 | 2001 |
High-efficiency and wide-bandwidth performance obtainable from a two-input buck converter J Sebastián, PJ Villegas, F Nuno, MM Hernando IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 13 (4), 706-717, 1998 | 113 | 1998 |
Dynamic limits of a power-factor preregulator A Fernández, J Sebastián, P Villegas, MM Hernando, DG Lamar IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 52 (1), 77-87, 2005 | 81 | 2005 |
Optimizing the design of single-stage power-factor correctors JA Villarejo, J Sebastián, F Soto, E de Jodar IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 54 (3), 1472-1482, 2007 | 80 | 2007 |
Helpful hints to select a power-factor-correction solution for low-and medium-power single-phase power supplies A Fernández, J Sebastián, MM Hernando, P Villegas, J García IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 52 (1), 46-55, 2005 | 76 | 2005 |
Comparing Si and SiC diodes performance in a commercial AC-to-DC rectifier with power factor correction M Hernando, J Sebastián, P Villegas, A Fernández, J Garcia, M Rascón IEEE 34th Annual Conference on Power Electronics Specialist, 2003. PESC'03 …, 2003 | 71 | 2003 |
A microcontroller-based emergency ballast for fluorescent lamps JM Alonso, PJ Villegas, J Díaz, C Blanco, M Rico IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 44 (2), 207-216, 1997 | 71 | 1997 |
Improved active input current shapers for converters with symmetrically driven transformer J Sebastián, A Fernández, PJ Villegas, MM Hernando, JM Lopera IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 37 (2), 592-600, 2001 | 62 | 2001 |
Development of a wireless sensor network for individual monitoring of panels in a photovoltaic plant MJ Prieto, AM Pernía, F Nuño, J Díaz, PJ Villegas Sensors 14 (2), 2379-2396, 2014 | 59 | 2014 |
Improving dynamic response of power-factor preregulators by using two-input high-efficient postregulators J Sebastián, PJ Villegas, F Nuno, O Garcia, J Arau IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 12 (6), 1007-1016, 1997 | 40 | 1997 |
New self-driven synchronous rectification system for converters with a symmetrically driven transformer A Fernández, J Sebastián, MM Hernando, PJ Villegas, J García IEEE transactions on industry applications 41 (5), 1307-1315, 2005 | 38 | 2005 |
Very efficient two-input DC-to-DC switching post-regulators J Sebastián, P Villegas, F Nuno, MM Hernando PESC Record. 27th Annual IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference 1 …, 1996 | 37 | 1996 |
New control strategy of an up–down converter for energy recovery in a CDI desalination system AM Pernia, FJ Alvarez-Gonzalez, MAJ Prieto, PJ Villegas, F Nuno IEEE transactions on power electronics 29 (7), 3573-3581, 2013 | 33 | 2013 |
Design of the basic rectifier with LC filter to comply with the new edition of the IEC1000-3-2 current harmonic-limit specifications (Edition 2.0) WM Lin, J Sebastian, A Fernández, MM Hernando, PJ Villegas APEC. Seventeenth Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and …, 2002 | 33 | 2002 |
A new input current shaping technique using converters operating in continuous conduction mode J Sebastian, MM Hernando, P Villegas, J Diaz, A Fontan PESC 98 Record. 29th Annual IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference …, 1998 | 33 | 1998 |
Optimal control of a high-voltage power supply based on the PRC-LCC topology with a capacitor as output filter JA Martín-Ramos, PJV Sáiz, AM Pernía, J Díaz, JA Martínez IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 49 (5), 2323-2329, 2013 | 30 | 2013 |
A high-voltage AC/DC resonant converter based on PRC with single capacitor as an output filter J Diaz, PJV Saiz, JA Martin-Ramos, A Martin-Pernia, JA Martinez IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 46 (6), 2134-2142, 2010 | 30 | 2010 |
New active input current shapers to allow AC-to-DC converters with asymmetrically driven transformers to comply with the IEC-1000-3-2 J Sebastián, A Fernández, PJ Villegas, MM Hernando, MJ Prieto IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 17 (4), 493-501, 2002 | 30 | 2002 |
Average current mode control of series-switching post-regulators used in power factor correctors PJ Villegas, J Sebastián, M Hernando, F Nuño, JA Martínez IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 15 (5), 813-819, 2000 | 29 | 2000 |
Average-current-mode control of two-input buck postregulators used in power-factor correctors J Sebastián, PJ Villegas, M Hernando, F Nuno, F Fernández-Linera IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 46 (3), 569-576, 1999 | 27 | 1999 |