Gheboianu Anca Irina
Gheboianu Anca Irina
Other namesBancuta Anca Irina
Valahia University of Targoviste
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Studies concerning heavy metals bioaccumulation of wild edible mushrooms from industrial area by using spectrometric techniques
C Radulescu, C Stihi, G Busuioc, AI Gheboianu, IV Popescu
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 84, 641-646, 2010
Studies on accumulation of heavy metals from substrate to edible wild mushrooms
C Stihi, C Radulescu, G Busuioc, IV Popescu, A Gheboianu, A Ene
Romanian Journal of Physics 56 (1-2), 257-264, 2011
Evaluation of essential elements and heavy metal levels in fruiting bodies of wild mushrooms and their substrate by EDXRF spectrometry and FAA spectrometry
C Radulescu, C Stihi, G Busuioc, IV Popescu, AI Gheboianu, VG Cimpoca
Romanian Biotechnological Letters 15 (4), 5444-5456, 2010
Development of thermoplastic composites based on recycled polypropylene and waste printed circuit boards
RM Grigorescu, P Ghioca, L Iancu, ME David, ER Andrei, MI Filipescu, ...
Waste Management 118, 391-401, 2020
Environmental samples analysis by atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) and inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES)
IV Popescu, C Stihi, GV Cimpoca, G Dima, G Vlaicu, A Gheboianu, ...
Rom J Phys 54 (7-8), 731-741, 2009
Hybrid materials based on multi-walled carbon nanotubes and nanoparticles with antimicrobial properties
ME David, RM Ion, RM Grigorescu, L Iancu, AM Holban, AI Nicoara, ...
Nanomaterials 11 (6), 1415, 2021
Ion-substituted carbonated hydroxyapatite coatings for model stone samples
RM Ion, L Iancu, G Vasilievici, ME Grigore, RE Andrei, GI Radu, ...
Coatings 9 (4), 231, 2019
Air pollution studies using PIXE and ICP Methods
C Stihi, A Bancuta, IV Popescu, M Virgolici, V Cimpoca, M Gugiu, G Vlaicu
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 41 (1), 565, 2006
Wood preservation with gold hydroxyapatite system
RM Ion, T Nyokong, N Nwahara, IR Suica-Bunghez, L Iancu, ...
Heritage Science 6 (1), 1-12, 2018
Improvement of spectrophotometric method for determination of phenolic compounds by statistical investigations
OR Bancuta, A Chilian, I Bancuta, RM Ion, R Setnescu, T Setnescu, ...
Rom. Journ. Phys 61 (7-8), 1255-1264, 2016
PIXE analysis of multielemental samples
A Ene, IV Popescu, C Stihi, A Gheboianu, A Pantelica, C Petre
Rom. Journ. Phys 55 (7-8), 806-814, 2010
Mineral content of native vegetables obtained by energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry
C Stihi, IV Popescu, A Gheboianu, M Frontasyeva, A Ene, G Dima, O Bute, ...
Journal of Science and Arts 9 (2), 332, 2008
Non-Destructive and micro-invasive techniques for characterizing the ancient Roman Mosaic fragments
RM Ion, BA Bakirov, SE Kichanov, DP Kozlenko, AV Belushkin, ...
Applied Sciences 10 (11), 3781, 2020
FT-IR and UV–Vis characterization of grape extracts used as antioxidants in polymers
OR Bancuta, A Chilian, I Bancuta, RM Ion, R Setnescu, T Setnescu, ...
Rev. Roum. Chim 60 (5-6), 571-577, 2015
Characterization of heavy metal air pollution in Romania using moss biomonitoring, neutron activation analysis, and atomic absorption spectrometry
C Stihi, IV Popescu, M Frontasyeva, C Radulescu, A Ene, O Culicov, ...
Analytical Letters 50 (17), 2851-2858, 2017
Study of the influence of Zn concentration on the absorption and transport of Fe in maize by AAS and EDXRF analysis techniques
A Chilian, RO Bancuta, I Bancuta, R Setnescu, RM Ion, C Radulescu, ...
Romanian Reports in Physics 67 (3), 1138-1151, 2015
Extraction of heavy metals and phosphorus from sewage sludge with elimination of antibiotics and biological risks
A Chilian, OR Bancuta, I Bancuta, IV Popescu, AI Gheboianu, NM Tănase, ...
Chemical Engineering Journal 437, 135298, 2022
Chemical and structural modifications induced in structural materials by electrochemical processes
V Andrei, G Vlaicu, M Fulger, C Ducu, C Diaconu, G Oncioiu, E Andrei, ...
Romanian Reports in Physics 61 (1), 95-104, 2009
Nuclear and nuclear related analytical methods applied in environmental research
IV Popescu, A Gheboianu, I Bancuta, GV Cimpoca, C Stihi, C Radulescu, ...
Romanian Journal of Physics 55, 2010
Determination of heavy metals content in wild mushrooms and soil by EDXRF and FAAS techniques
C Radulescu, C Stihi, IV Popescu, G Busuioc, AI Gheboianu, VG Cimpoca, ...
Ovidus Uni. Ann. Chem 21 (1), 9-14, 2010
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Articles 1–20