Arion Cristian
Cited by
Cited by
Risk-targeted maps for Romania
R Vacareanu, F Pavel, I Craciun, V Coliba, C Arion, A Aldea, C Neagu
Journal of Seismology 22, 407-417, 2018
Advanced structural analysis
R Vacareanu, A Aldea, C Arion
Conspress, 2000
Modern urban seismic network in Bucharest, Romania
A Aldea, T Kashima, D Lungu, R Vacareanu, S Koyama, C Arion
first international conference on urban earthquake engineering 1, 557-565, 2004
Microzonage sismique de la ville de Bucarest (Roumanie)
D Lungu, A Aldea, C Arion, S Demetriu, T Cornea
Cahier Technique 20, 31–63, 2000
Assessment of seismic hazard in Romania based on 25 years of strong ground motion instrumentation
D Lungu, C Arion, A Aldea, S Demetriu
Strong Motion Instrumentation for Civil Engineering Structures, 505-518, 2001
Seismic microzonation of the city of Bucharest
D Lungu, A Aldea, T Cornea, C Arion
6th International Conference on Seismic Zonation, California, US, 2000
Local site effects based on in situ measurements in Bucharest City, Romania
A Bala, JRR Ritter, D Hannich, SF Balan, C Arion
Proceedings of the International symposium on Seismic Risk Reduction, ISSRR …, 2007
RISK UE, WP 1: European distinctive features, inventory database and typology, earthquake loss estimation and risk reduction international conference, Bucharest
D Lungu, A Aldea, C Arion, T Cornea, R Vacareanu
Romania, Oct, 24-26, 2002
Seismic hazard, vulnerability and risk for Vrancea events
D Lungu, C Arion, A Aldea, R Vacareanu
International Symposium on Strong Vrancea Earthquakes and Risk Mitigation …, 2007
Empirical ground motion model for Vrancea intermediate-depth seismic source
R Vacareanu, S Demetriu, D Lungu, F Pavel, C Arion, M Iancovici, ...
Earthq. Struct 6 (2), 141-161, 2014
Representation of seismic action in the new Romanian code for design of earthquake resistant buildings P100-2003
D Lungu, C Arion, A Aldea, R Vacareanu
Proceedings of the 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering …, 2004
WP7 report seismic risk scenarios handbook
R Vacareanu, D Lungu, A Aldea, C Arion
RISK-UE project of the EC: an advanced approach to earthquake risk scenarios …, 2004
City of Bucharest seismic profile: from hazard estimation to risk mitigation
D Lungu, C Arion, A Aldea, T Cornea
Earthquake hazard and countermeasures for existing fragile buildings …, 2001
Vulnerability of existing building stock in Bucharest,
D Lungu, C Arion, M Baur, A Aldea
6ICSZ Sixth International Conference on Seismic Zonation, Palm Springs …, 2000
Probabilistic seismic hazard assessment for Romania
R Vacareanu, A Aldea, D Lungu, F Pavel, C Neagu, C Arion, S Demetriu, ...
Earthquakes and Their Impact on Society, 137-169, 2016
Impact of spatial correlation of ground motions on seismic damage for residential buildings in Bucharest, Romania
F Pavel, R Vacareanu, I Calotescu, AM Sandulescu, C Arion, C Neagu
Natural Hazards 87, 1167-1187, 2017
Engineering, state & insurance efforts for reduction of seismic risk in Romania
D Lungu, A Aldea, C Arion
Proceedings of the 12th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Auckland …, 2000
Development of strong ground motion network in Romania and Bucharest instrumentation for site effects assessment
A Aldea, D Lungu, R Vacareanu, C Arion
Proceedings of 13 WCEE World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, CD-ROM …, 2004
R Vacareanu, D Lungu, A Aldea, C Arion
Report Seismic Risk Scenarios Handbook, Risk-UE Project, Bucharest, 2004
Seismic vulnerability of buildings exposed to Vrancea earthquakes in Romania
D Lungu, S Demetriu, C Arion
Vrancea Earthquakes: Tectonics, Hazard and Risk Mitigation: Contributions …, 1999
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Articles 1–20