Ciumarnean Lorena
Ciumarnean Lorena
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The effects of flavonoids in cardiovascular diseases
L Ciumărnean, MV Milaciu, O Runcan, ȘC Vesa, AL Răchișan, ...
Molecules 25 (18), 4320, 2020
Cardiovascular risk factors and physical activity for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases in the elderly
L Ciumărnean, MV Milaciu, V Negrean, OH Orășan, SC Vesa, ...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (1), 207, 2021
Oxidative stress as a potential target in acute kidney injury
AM Tomsa, AL Alexa, ML Junie, AL Rachisan, L Ciumarnean
PeerJ 7, e8046, 2019
Chronic inflammation—A link between nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and dysfunctional adipose tissue
M Petrescu, SI Vlaicu, L Ciumărnean, MV Milaciu, C Mărginean, M Florea, ...
Medicina 58 (5), 641, 2022
Semiology of food poisoning
MV Milaciu, L Ciumărnean, OH Orăşan, I Para, T Alexescu, V Negrean
Human and Veterinary Medicine 8 (2), 108-113, 2016
Cytokines Genotype‐Phenotype Correlation in Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis
IC Bocsan, MV Milaciu, RM Pop, SC Vesa, L Ciumarnean, DM Matei, ...
Oxidative medicine and cellular longevity 2017 (1), 4297206, 2017
C.; Răchis, an, AL; Negrean, V.; Perné, M
L Ciumărnean, MV Milaciu, O Runcan, S Vesa
G, 0
Paraoxonase-1 Serum Concentration and PON1 Gene Polymorphisms: Relationship with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
MV Milaciu, ȘC Vesa, IC Bocșan, L Ciumărnean, D Sampelean, ...
Journal of clinical medicine 8 (12), 2200, 2019
Orăs, an
L Ciumărnean, MV Milaciu, V Negrean
OH, 0
The effect of mofettes on oxidative stress/antioxidant balance in experimental myocardial ischemia
G Dogaru, A Bulboaca, PM Boarescu, L Ciumarnean, V Rus, ...
in vivo 33 (6), 1911-1920, 2019
Complementary therapeutic approaches in asthma
A Maierean, L Ciumarnean, TG Alexescu, B Domokos, R Rajnoveanu, ...
Balneo Research Journal 10 (3), 204-12, 2019
Rehabilitation therapies in stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
TG Alexescu, A Măierean, L Ciumărnean, C Budin, G Dogaru, DA Todea
Manual therapy 29, 3, 2019
Ethical aspects of smoking cessation among the population from Transylvania
A Vremaroiu-Coman, TG Alexescu, V Negrean, MV Milaciu, AD Buzoianu, ...
Balneo research journal 9 (3), 254-9, 2018
Perspectives of gold nanoparticles and their applications in pancreatic cancer
AM Tomşa, AL Răchişan, AA Aldea, L Ciumărnean
Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 21 (3), 1-1, 2021
The effect of carbonated mineral water and mofette treatment in Baile Tusnad after ischemic stroke–a case report
G Dogaru, M Marieta, A Bulboacă, L Ciumărnean, I Stănescu
Balneo Research Journal 9 (1), 11-14, 2018
Pas, ca, S.; Răchis, an, AL; et al. Paraoxonase-1 serum concentration and PON1 gene polymorphisms: Relationship with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
L Ciumărnean, D Sâmpelean, V Negrean, RM Pop, DM Matei
J. Clin. Med 8, 2200, 2019
Risk factors of subclinical atherosclerosis in obesity and overweight
AT Gabriela, C Lorena, N Vasile, PI Olimpia, LC Claudia, TR Dan, I Para, ...
JPMA 70 (5), 840-4, 2020
The effect of carbonated natural mineral water on oxidative stress in experimental myocardial ischemia
G Dogaru, A Bulboaca, I Stanescu, V Rus, B Gyorgy, L Ciumarnean, ...
Revista de chimie 70, 2677-2680, 2019
Therapeutic alternatives with CPAP in obstructive sleep apnea
CE Budin, L Ciumarnean, A Maierean, R Rajnovean, BD Gergely, M Man, ...
Journal of Mind and Medical Sciences 6 (2), 181-189, 2019
Oxidative stress as a potential target in acute kidney injury. Peer J. 2019; 7: e8046
AM Tomsa, AL Alexa, ML Junie, AL Rachisan, L Ciumarnean
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Articles 1–20