Thomas Kuhn
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Cited by
Microbial utilisation of biochar-derived carbon
M Farrell, TK Kuhn, LM Macdonald, TM Maddern, DV Murphy, PA Hall, ...
Science of the Total Environment 465, 288-297, 2013
Mechanical properties of L929 cells measured by atomic force microscopy: effects of anticytoskeletal drugs and membrane crosslinking
HW Wu, T Kuhn, VT Moy
Scanning: The Journal of Scanning Microscopies 20 (5), 389-397, 1998
Neurite outgrowth on immobilized axonin-1 is mediated by a heterophilic interaction with L1 (G4).
TB Kuhn, ET Stoeckli, MA Condrau, FG Rathjen, P Sonderegger
The Journal of cell biology 115 (4), 1113-1126, 1991
ARTS, the atmospheric radiative transfer simulator
SA Buehler, P Eriksson, T Kuhn, A von Engeln, C Verdes
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 91 (1), 65-93, 2005
Regulating actin dynamics in neuronal growth cones by ADF/cofilin and rho family GTPases
TB Kuhn, PJ Meberg, MD Brown, BW Bernstein, LS Minamide, JR Jensen, ...
Journal of neurobiology 44 (2), 126-144, 2000
Penetration of freeway ultrafine particles into indoor environments
Y Zhu, WC Hinds, M Krudysz, T Kuhn, J Froines, C Sioutas
Journal of Aerosol Science 36 (3), 303-322, 2005
Myelin and collapsin-1 induce motor neuron growth cone collapse through different pathways: inhibition of collapse by opposing mutants of rac1
TB Kuhn, MD Brown, CL Wilcox, JA Raper, JR Bamburg
Journal of Neuroscience 19 (6), 1965-1975, 1999
Comparison of daytime and nighttime concentration profiles and size distributions of ultrafine particles near a major highway
Y Zhu, T Kuhn, P Mayo, WC Hinds
Environmental science & technology 40 (8), 2531-2536, 2006
Neuroserpin, an axonally secreted serine protease inhibitor.
T Osterwalder, J Contartese, ET Stoeckli, TB Kuhn, P Sonderegger
The EMBO journal 15 (12), 2944-2953, 1996
Concentration levels of zearalenone and its metabolites in urine, muscle tissue, and liver samples of pigs fed with mycotoxin-contaminated oats
P Zöllner, J Jodlbauer, M Kleinova, H Kahlbacher, T Kuhn, W Hochsteiner, ...
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 50 (9), 2494-2501, 2002
Neuroprotective adaptations in hibernation: therapeutic implications for ischemia-reperfusion, traumatic brain injury and neurodegenerative diseases
KL Drew, ME Rice, TB Kuhn, MA Smith
Free Radical Biology and Medicine 31 (5), 563-573, 2001
Laminin and fibronectin guideposts signal sustained but opposite effects to passing growth cones
TB Kuhn, MF Schmidt, SB Kater
Neuron 14 (2), 275-285, 1995
The axonally secreted protein axonin-1 is a potent substratum for neurite growth.
ET Stoeckli, TB Kuhn, CO Duc, MA Ruegg, P Sonderegger
The Journal of cell biology 112 (3), 449-455, 1991
The occurrence of short chain n-alkanes with an even over odd predominance in higher plants and soils
TK Kuhn, ES Krull, A Bowater, K Grice, G Gleixner
Organic Geochemistry 41 (2), 88-95, 2010
FLEXI: A high order discontinuous Galerkin framework for hyperbolic–parabolic conservation laws
N Krais, A Beck, T Bolemann, H Frank, D Flad, G Gassner, F Hindenlang, ...
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 81, 186-219, 2021
Vulnerability of uneven-aged forests to storm damage
M Hanewinkel, T Kuhn, H Bugmann, A Lanz, P Brang
Forestry 87 (4), 525-534, 2014
Cdc42 stimulates neurite outgrowth and formation of growth cone filopodia and lamellipodia
MD Brown, BJ Cornejo, TB Kuhn, JR Bamburg
Journal of neurobiology 43 (4), 352-364, 2000
A microphysics guide to cirrus–Part 2: Climatologies of clouds and humidity from observations
M Krämer, C Rolf, N Spelten, A Afchine, D Fahey, E Jensen, S Khaykin, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 20 (21), 12569-12608, 2020
Rac1‐dependent actin filament organization in growth cones is necessary for β1‐integrin–mediated advance but not for growth on poly‐D‐lysine
TB Kuhn, MD Brown, JR Bamburg
Journal of neurobiology 37 (4), 524-540, 1998
Laminin directs growth cone navigation via two temporally and functionally distinct calcium signals
TB Kuhn, CV Williams, P Dou, SB Kater
Journal of Neuroscience 18 (1), 184-194, 1998
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Articles 1–20