Svetlana Boudko
Svetlana Boudko
Norsk Regnesentral
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Adaptive cybersecurity framework for healthcare internet of things
S Boudko, H Abie
2019 13th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication …, 2019
An architecture for adaptive multimedia streaming to mobile nodes
W Leister, T Sutinen, S Boudko, I Marsh, C Griwodz, P Halvorsen
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Advances in Mobile …, 2008
Adaptive video streaming through estimation of subjective video quality
W Leister, S Boudko, TH Røssvoll
Int’l Journal on Advances in Systems and Measurements 4 (1), 2011
Evolutionary game for confidentiality in IoT-enabled smart grids
S Boudko, P Aursand, H Abie
Information 11 (12), 582, 2020
An evolutionary game for integrity attacks and defences for advanced metering infrastructure
S Boudko, H Abie
Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Software Architecture …, 2018
Heterogeneous wireless network selection: Load balancing and multicast scenario
S Boudko, W Leister, S Gjessing
International Journal on Advances in Networks and Services 6 (3&4), 2013
Multicast group management for users of heterogeneous wireless networks
S Boudko, W Leister, S Gjessing
CONTENT 2012: The Fourth International Conference on Creative Content …, 2012
Lenking og kobling i Historisk befolkningsregister
L Holden, S Boudko, G Thorvaldsen
Heimen 57 (3), 216-229, 2020
Network selection for multicast groups in heterogeneous wireless environments
S Boudko, W Leister
Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing …, 2013
Optimal network selection for mobile multicast groups
S Boudko, W Leister, S Gjessing
ICSNC 2012, 235, 2012
The Norwegian historic population register and migration
L Holden, S Boudko
Journal of Migration History 4 (2), 249-263, 2018
A benchmarking system for multipath overlay multimedia streaming
S Boudko, W Leister, C Griwodz, P Halvorsen
2008 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 853-856, 2008
Towards Federated Learning-based Collaborative Adaptive Cybersecurity for Multi-microgrids.
S Boudko, H Abie, E Nigussie, R Savola
WINSYS, 83-90, 2021
Adaptive and Intelligent Data Collection and Analytics for Securing Critical Financial Infrastructure
H Abie, S Boudko, O Soceanu, L Greenberg, A Shribman, ...
Cyber-Physical Threat Intelligence for Critical Infrastructures Security: A …, 2020
Treatment pathways as petri nets in patient workflow management
S Boudko, W Leister
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Information Integration …, 2017
Maximizing video quality for several unicast streams in a multipath overlay network
S Boudko, W Leister, C Griwodz, P Halvorsen
2010 IEEE 4th International Conference on Internet Multimedia Services …, 2010
Estimation of subjective video quality as feedback to content providers
W Leister, S Boudko, T Halbach
2010 Fifth International Conference on Systems and Networks Communications …, 2010
Predictive analytics service for security of blockchain and peer-to-peer payment solutions
S Boudko, H Abie, M Boscolo, D Ferrario
Information Science and Applications: Proceedings of ICISA 2020, 71-81, 2021
Building blocks of negotiating agents for healthcare data
S Boudko, W Leister
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Information Integration …, 2019
Team decision approach for decentralized network selection of mobile clients
S Boudko, W Leister, S Gjessing
2012 5th Joint IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference (WMNC), 88-94, 2012
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Articles 1–20