Matthew Staymates
Cited by
Cited by
Dropwise condensation of low surface tension fluids on omniphobic surfaces
K Rykaczewski, AT Paxson, M Staymates, ML Walker, X Sun, S Anand, ...
Scientific reports 4 (1), 4158, 2014
Optimized thermal desorption for improved sensitivity in trace explosives detection by ion mobility spectrometry
M Najarro, MED Morris, ME Staymates, R Fletcher, G Gillen
Analyst 137 (11), 2614-2622, 2012
Biomimetic Sniffing Improves the Detection Performance of a 3D Printed Nose of a Dog and a Commercial Trace Vapor Detector
ME. Staymates, WA. MacCrehan, JL. Staymates, RR. Kunz, T. Mendum, Ta-Hsuan ...
Scientific Reports 6 (36876), doi:10.1038/srep36876, 2016
Rapid analysis of trace drugs and metabolites using a thermal desorption DART-MS configuration
E Sisco, TP Forbes, ME Staymates, G Gillen
Analytical Methods 8 (35), 6494-6499, 2016
Flow visualization of an N95 respirator with and without an exhalation valve using schlieren imaging and light scattering
M Staymates
Physics of Fluids 32 (11), 2020
Detection of nonvolatile inorganic oxidizer-based explosives from wipe collections by infrared thermal desorption—direct analysis in real time mass spectrometry
TP Forbes, E Sisco, M Staymates
Analytical chemistry 90 (11), 6419-6425, 2018
DART-MS analysis of inorganic explosives using high temperature thermal desorption
TP Forbes, E Sisco, M Staymates, G Gillen
Analytical Methods 9 (34), 4988-4996, 2017
Fabrication of polymer microsphere particle standards containing trace explosives using an oil/water emulsion solvent extraction piezoelectric printing process
RA Fletcher, JA Brazin, ME Staymates, BA Benner Jr, JG Gillen
Talanta 76 (4), 949-955, 2008
Hydration of hydrophilic cloth face masks enhances the filtration of nanoparticles
CD Zangmeister, JG Radney, ME Staymates, EP Vicenzi, JL Weaver
ACS Applied Nano Materials 4 (3), 2694-2701, 2021
Dynamics of silver nanoparticle release from wound dressings revealed via in situ nanoscale imaging
RD Holbrook, K Rykaczewski, ME Staymates
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine 25, 2481-2489, 2014
Evaluation of a drop-on-demand micro-dispensing system for development of artificial fingerprints
JL Staymates, ME Staymates, G Gillen
Analytical Methods 5 (1), 180-186, 2013
Optimization of confined direct analysis in real time mass spectrometry (DART-MS)
E Sisco, ME Staymates, TP Forbes
Analyst 145 (7), 2743-2750, 2020
Broad spectrum infrared thermal desorption of wipe-based explosive and narcotic samples for trace mass spectrometric detection
TP Forbes, M Staymates, E Sisco
Analyst 142 (16), 3002-3010, 2017
Differential schlieren-interferometry with a simple adjustable Wollaston-like prism
MM Biss, GS Settles, ME Staymates, SR Sanderson
Applied optics 47 (3), 328-335, 2008
The production of monodisperse explosive particles with piezo-electric inkjet printing technology
ME Staymates, R Fletcher, M Verkouteren, JL Staymates, G Gillen
Review of Scientific Instruments 86 (12), 2015
Pressure-sensitive sampling wands for homeland security applications
ME Staymates, J Grandner, JR Verkouteren
IEEE Sensors Journal 13 (12), 4844-4850, 2013
Particle fabrication using inkjet printing onto hydrophobic surfaces for optimization and calibration of trace contraband detection sensors
G Gillen, M Najarro, S Wight, M Walker, J Verkouteren, E Windsor, T Barr, ...
Sensors 15 (11), 29618-29634, 2015
Filter inserts impact cloth mask performance against nano-to micro-sized particles
JG Radney, JL Weaver, EP Vicenzi, ME Staymates, CD Zangmeister
ACS nano 15 (8), 12860-12868, 2021
A new wipe-sampling instrument for measuring the collection efficiency of trace explosives residues
EL Robinson, E Sisco, ME Staymates, JA Lawrence
Analytical methods 10 (2), 204-213, 2018
The effect of reusing wipes for particle collection
JL Staymates, ME Staymates, J Lawrence
International Journal for Ion Mobility Spectrometry 19, 41-49, 2016
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Articles 1–20