Dumitru Ion
Dumitru Ion
Profesor universitar doctor, Cercetător Științific Principal 3 IFIN-Horia Hulubei
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Citat de
Sexual orientation differences in psychological treatment outcomes for depression and anxiety: National cohort study.
KA Rimes, D Ion, J Wingrove, B Carter
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 87 (7), 577, 2019
Entropic lower bound for the quantum scattering of spinless particles
DB Ion, MLD Ion
Physical review letters 81 (26), 5714, 1998
Optimal bounds for Tsallis-like entropies in quantum scattering
MLD Ion, DB Ion
Physical review letters 83 (3), 463, 1999
Automated system and drilling rig for continuously and automatically pulling and running a drill-pipe string
G Aldea, I Nicolau, L Dogaru, I Dumitru
US Patent 3,404,741, 1968
A 3D crustal gravity modelling of the Romanian territory
D Ioane, D Ion
Journal of the Balkan Geophysical Society 8 (4), 189-198, 2005
Strong evidences for correlated nonextensive quantum statistics in hadronic scatterings
MLD Ion, DB Ion
Physics Letters B 482 (1-3), 57-64, 2000
M1ha1 and M. Ivascu
DB Ion, R Ion
Ann. of<> hys.(NY) 171, 237, 1986
Spontaneous pion emission as a new natural radioactivity
DB Ion, M Ivascu, R Ion-Mihai
Annals of Physics 171 (2), 237-252, 1986
Coherent pion emission via a mesonic C̆erenkov mechanism in relativistic proton-nucleus collisions
DB Ion, W Stocker
Physics Letters B 273 (1-2), 20-25, 1991
Nuclear mesonic Cherenkov-like radiation from high energy nucleons
DB Ion, W Stocker
Physical Review C 52 (6), 3332, 1995
A possible Èerenkov mechanism for single-pion production in hadron-hadron interactions at high energies
DB Ion, FG Nichitiu
Nuclear Physics B 29 (2), 547-556, 1971
Angle–angular-momentum entropic bounds and optimal entropies for quantum scattering of spinless particles
DB Ion, MLD Ion
Physical Review E 60 (5), 5261, 1999
Reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces and extremal problems for scattering of particles with arbitrary spins
DB Ion
International journal of theoretical physics 24, 1217-1231, 1985
Description of quantum scattering via principle of minimum distance in the space of states
DB Ion
Physics Letters B 376 (4), 282-289, 1996
Scaling ands-channel helicity conservation via optimal state description of hadron-hadron scattering
DB Ion
International Journal of Theoretical Physics 25, 1257-1279, 1986
Reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces and optimal state description of hadron-hadron scattering
DB Ion, H Scutaru
International journal of theoretical physics 24, 355-366, 1985
Information entropies in pion-nucleon scattering and optimal states analysis
DB Ion, MLD Ion
Physics Letters B 352 (1-2), 155-161, 1995
High-energy nuclear γ-Cherenkov radiation
DB Ion, W Stocker
Physics Letters B 311 (1-4), 339-342, 1993
Nuclear gamma cherenkov radiation from charged projectiles as a coherent effect in nuclear media
DB Ion, W Stocker
Annals of Physics 213 (2), 355-377, 1992
Possibility of coherent γ Èerenkov radiation in relativistic heavy-ion collisions
DB Ion, W Stocker
Physics Letters B 258 (3-4), 262-265, 1991
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