George W. Archbold Taylor
George W. Archbold Taylor
Corporación del Laboratorio al Campo
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe labalcampo.org - Pagina de pornire
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pH Measurement IoT System for Precision Agriculture Applications
G Archbold, H Beltrán, F Ruiz, M Narducci, D Méndez, L Trujillo, C Parra, ...
IEEE Latin America Transactions 17 (5), 823-832, 2019
Towards the implementation of ISFET sensors for in-situ and real-time chemical analyses in soils: A practical review
G Archbold, C Parra, H Carrillo, AM Mouazen
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 209, 107828, 2023
A decision framework reference for ISFET sensor-based electronic systems design for agriculture industry applications
GA Taylor, C Parra, H Carrillo, A Mouazen
2020 IEEE 17th India Council International Conference (INDICON), 1-6, 2020
Automatic ship hull inspection using fuzzy logic
C Juan, C William, M David, A George, G Delgado, D Vladimir
2012 IEEE Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop (AIPR), 1-5, 2012
Trends, Challenges and Opportunities for IoT in Smallholder Agriculture Sector: An Evaluation from the Perspective of Good Practices
CA Espinosa, J Pineda, O Ortega, A Jaime, R Sarmiento, ...
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 1365, 293-301, 2021
MPC Weighted sum approach applied to torque tracking and CO2emission reduction on engines
J Vuelvas, G Archbold, F Ruiz
2017 IEEE 3rd Colombian Conference on Automatic Control (CCAC), 1-6, 2017
On-The-Optimization of Design and Operational Conditions for ISFET Continuous Measurements of Soil Nutrients and pH
GW Archbold Taylor
Ghent University, 2022
Generación de imagen tridimensional de objetos sumergidos en aguas turbias
DJM Aldana, G Archbold, G Delgado, LV Muñoz, J Contreras
CIDIN, 2013
Generation of Three-Dimensional Image of Objects Submerged in Murky Water
DJ Muñoz, G Archbold, G Delgado, LV Muñoz, J Contreras
Ship Science and Technology 7 (13), 53-63, 2013
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