Patrick M. Wright
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Cited by
Human Resources Management: Gaining a Competitive Advantage, Tenth Global Edition
R Noe, J Hollenbeck, B Gerhart, P Wright
McGraw-Hill Education, 2006
Theoretical perspectives for strategic human resource management
PM Wright, GC McMahan
Journal of management 18 (2), 295-320, 1992
Corporate social responsibility: Strategic implications
A McWilliams, DS Siegel, PM Wright
Journal of management studies 43 (1), 1-18, 2006
Human resources and the resource based view of the firm
PM Wright, BB Dunford, SA Snell
Journal of management 27 (6), 701-721, 2001
On becoming a strategic partner: The role of human resources in gaining competitive advantage
JB Barney, PM Wright
Human Resource Management: Published in Cooperation with the School of …, 1998
Human resources and sustained competitive advantage: a resource-based perspective
PM Wright, GC McMahan, A McWilliams
International journal of human resource management 5 (2), 301-326, 1994
Toward a unifying framework for exploring fit and flexibility in strategic human resource management
PM Wright, SA Snell
Academy of management review 23 (4), 756-772, 1998
The impact of high-performance human resource practices on employees’ attitudes and behaviors
RR Kehoe, PM Wright
Journal of management 39 (2), 366-391, 2013
Human resource management and labor productivity: does industry matter?
DK Datta, JP Guthrie, PM Wright
Academy of management Journal 48 (1), 135-145, 2005
The relationship between HR practices and firm performance: Examining causal order
PM Wright, TM Gardner, LM Moynihan, MR Allen
Personnel psychology 58 (2), 409-446, 2005
Desegregating HRM: A review and synthesis of micro and macro human resource management research
PM Wright
Fundamentals of human resource management
RA Noe, JR Hollenbeck, B Gerhart, PM Wright
McGraw-Hill, 2020
The impact of HR practices on the performance of business units
PM Wright, TM Gardner, LM Moynihan
Human resource management journal 13 (3), 21-36, 2003
Strategic HRM and organizational behavior: Integrating multiple levels of analysis
PM Wright
Exploring human capital: putting ‘human’back into strategic human resource management
PM Wright, GC McMahan
Human resource management journal 21 (2), 93-104, 2011
Toward an integrative view of strategic human resource management
PM Wright, SA Snell
Human resource management review 1 (3), 203-225, 1991
Six principles of effective global talent management
G Stahl, I Björkman, E Farndale, SS Morris, J Paauwe, P Stiles, J Trevor, ...
Sloan Management Review 53 (2), 25-42, 2012
Measurement error in research on human resources and firm performance: how much error is there and how does it influence effect size estimates?
B Gerhart, PM Wright, GC MC MAHAN, SA Snell
Personnel psychology 53 (4), 803-834, 2000
Establishing a framework for research in strategic human resource management: Merging resource theory and organizational learning
SA Snell
Research in personnel and human resources managemen, 1996
The Oxford handbook of human resource management
PF Boxall, J Purcell, PM Wright
Oxford university press, USA, 2007
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