Clinton Groth
Clinton Groth
University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies
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Citat de
Assessment of Riemann solvers for unsteady one-dimensional inviscid flows of perfect gases
JJ Gottlieb, CPT Groth
Journal of Computational Physics 78 (2), 437-458, 1988
Global three‐dimensional MHD simulation of a space weather event: CME formation, interplanetary propagation, and interaction with the magnetosphere
CPT Groth, DL De Zeeuw, TI Gombosi, KG Powell
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 105 (A11), 25053-25078, 2000
A numerical study of solar wind—magnetosphere interaction for northward interplanetary magnetic field
P Song, DL DeZeeuw, TI Gombosi, CPT Groth, KG Powell
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 104 (A12), 28361-28378, 1999
An adaptive MHD method for global space weather simulations
DL De Zeeuw, TI Gombosi, CPT Groth, KG Powell, QF Stout
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 28 (6), 1956-1965, 2002
High-order solution-adaptive central essentially non-oscillatory (CENO) method for viscous flows
L Ivan, CPT Groth
Journal of Computational Physics 257, 830-862, 2014
A parallel solution-adaptive scheme for multi-phase core flows in solid propellant rocket motors
JS Sachdev, CPT Groth, JJ Gottlieb
International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics 19 (2), 159-177, 2005
LES of a laboratory-scale turbulent premixed Bunsen flame using FSD, PCM-FPI and thickened flame models
FE Hernández-Pérez, FTC Yuen, CPT Groth, ÖL Gülder
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 33 (1), 1365-1371, 2011
A parallel solution–adaptive method for three-dimensional turbulent non-premixed combusting flows
X Gao, CPT Groth
Journal of Computational Physics 229 (9), 3250-3275, 2010
Magnetospheric configuration for Parker-spiral IMF conditions: Results of a 3D AMR MHD simulation
TI Gombosi, DL DeZeeuw, CPT Groth, KG Powell
Advances in Space Research 26 (1), 139-149, 2000
A numerical study on the effects of pressure and gravity in laminar ethylene diffusion flames
MRJ Charest, CPT Groth, ÖL Gülder
Combustion and Flame 158 (10), 1933-1945, 2011
Towards physically realizable and hyperbolic moment closures for kinetic theory
CPT Groth, JG McDonald
Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics 21, 467-493, 2009
A parallel adaptive mesh refinement algorithm for predicting turbulent non-premixed combusting flows
X Gao, CPT Groth
International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics 20 (5), 349-357, 2006
Effects of gravity and pressure on laminar coflow methane–air diffusion flames at pressures from 1 to 60 atmospheres
MRJ Charest, CPT Groth, ÖL Gülder
Combustion and Flame 158 (5), 860-875, 2011
3D multi‐fluid MHD studies of the solar wind interaction with Mars
Y Liu, AF Nagy, CPT Groth, DL DeZeeuw, TI Gombosi, KG Powell
Geophysical Research Letters 26 (17), 2689-2692, 1999
A computational framework for predicting laminar reactive flows with soot formation
MRJ Charest, CPT Groth, ÖL Gülder
Combustion Theory and Modelling 14 (6), 793-825, 2010
Parallel implicit adaptive mesh refinement scheme for body-fitted multi-block mesh
C Groth, S Northrup
17th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, 5333, 2005
Numerical and experimental study of soot formation in laminar diffusion flames burning simulated biogas fuels at elevated pressures
MRJ Charest, ÖL Gülder, CPT Groth
Combustion and flame 161 (10), 2678-2691, 2014
Towards realizable hyperbolic moment closures for viscous heat-conducting gas flows based on a maximum-entropy distribution
JG McDonald, CPT Groth
Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics 25, 573-603, 2013
The length of the magnetotail for northward IMF: Results of 3D MHD simulations
TI Gombosi, DL DeZeeuw, CPT Groth, KG Powell, P Song
Physics of Space Plasmas 15, 121-128, 1998
Experimental and numerical study of soot formation in laminar ethylene diffusion flames at elevated pressures from 10 to 35 atm
MRJ Charest, HI Joo, ÖL Gülder, CPT Groth
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 33 (1), 549-557, 2011
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