Bjarke Jørgensen
Bjarke Jørgensen
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Bandgap opening in graphene induced by patterned hydrogen adsorption
R Balog, B Jørgensen, L Nilsson, M Andersen, E Rienks, M Bianchi, ...
Nature materials 9 (4), 315-319, 2010
Atomic hydrogen adsorbate structures on graphene
R Balog, B Jørgensen, J Wells, E Lægsgaard, P Hofmann, F Besenbacher, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 131 (25), 8744-8745, 2009
Experimental evidence for the formation of highly superhydrogenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons through H atom addition and their catalytic role in H2 formation
JD Thrower, B Jørgensen, EE Friis, S Baouche, V Mennella, AC Luntz, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 752 (1), 3, 2012
Controlling hydrogenation of graphene on Ir (111)
R Balog, M Andersen, B Jørgensen, Z Sljivancanin, B Hammer, A Baraldi, ...
ACS nano 7 (5), 3823-3832, 2013
Iron-mediated growth of epitaxial graphene on SiC and diamond
SP Cooil, F Song, GT Williams, OR Roberts, DP Langstaff, B Jørgensen, ...
Carbon 50 (14), 5099-5105, 2012
Interaction between coronene and graphite from temperature-programmed desorption and DFT-vdW calculations: Importance of entropic effects and insights into graphite interlayer …
JD Thrower, EE Friis, AL Skov, L Nilsson, M Andersen, L Ferrighi, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117 (26), 13520-13529, 2013
Novel non-destructive quality assessment techniques of onion bulbs: a comparative study
MN Islam, G Nielsen, S Stærke, A Kjær, B Jørgensen, M Edelenbos
Journal of Food Science and Technology 55, 3314-3324, 2018
Prediction of Starch, Soluble Sugars and Amino Acids in Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) Using Hyperspectral Imaging, Dielectric and LF-NMR Methodologies
A Kjær, G Nielsen, S Stærke, MR Clausen, M Edelenbos, B Jørgensen
Potato research 59, 357-374, 2016
Facile electrochemical transfer of large-area single crystal epitaxial graphene from Ir (1 1 1)
L Koefoed, M Kongsfelt, S Ulstrup, AG Čabo, A Cassidy, PR Whelan, ...
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 48 (11), 115306, 2015
High‐versus Low‐Quality Graphene: A Mechanistic Investigation of Electrografted Diazonium‐Based Films for Growth of Polymer Brushes
M Lillethorup, M Kongsfelt, M Ceccato, BBE Jensen, B Jørgensen, ...
Small 10 (5), 922-934, 2014
Noninvasive determination of firmness and dry matter content of stored onion bulbs using shortwave infrared imaging with whole spectra and selected wavelengths
MN Islam, G Nielsen, S Stærke, A Kjær, B Jørgensen, M Edelenbos
Applied Spectroscopy 72 (10), 1467-1478, 2018
Hydrogenation of PAH molecules through interaction with hydrogenated carbonaceous grains
JD Thrower, EE Friis, AL Skov, B Jørgensen, L Hornekær
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 16 (8), 3381-3387, 2014
Poisonous books: analyses of four sixteenth and seventeenth century book bindings covered with arsenic rich green paint
T Delbey, JP Holck, B Jørgensen, A Alvis, VH Smith, GM Kavich, ...
Heritage Science 7 (1), 1-18, 2019
Superhydrogenated PAHs: catalytic formation of H2
C Joblin, A Tielens, JD Thrower, L Nilsson, B Jørgensen, S Baouche, ...
European Astronomical Society Publications Series 46, 453-460, 2011
Detection of Glycoalkaloids and Chlorophyll in Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) by Hyperspectral Imaging
A Kjær, G Nielsen, S Stærke, MR Clausen, M Edelenbos, B Jørgensen
American Journal of Potato Research 94, 573-582, 2017
The application of convolutional neural networks for tomographic reconstruction of hyperspectral images
WC Huang, MS Peters, MJ Ahlebaek, MT Frandsen, RL Eriksen, ...
Displays 74, 102218, 2022
Dielectric spectroscopy for evaluating dry matter content of potato tubers
GGB Nielsen, A Kjær, B Klösgen, PL Hansen, AC Simonsen, B Jørgensen
Journal of Food Engineering 189, 9-16, 2016
The influence of coronene super-hydrogenation on the coronene-graphite interaction
AW Skov, M Andersen, JD Thrower, B Jørgensen, B Hammer, L Hornekær
The Journal of chemical physics 145 (17), 2016
The hybrid approach–convolutional neural networks and expectation maximization algorithm–for tomographic reconstruction of hyperspectral images
MJ Ahlebæk, MS Peters, WC Huang, MT Frandsen, RL Eriksen, ...
J. Spectr. Imaging, 2022
High-resolution snapshot hyperspectral computed tomography imaging spectrometer: real-world applications
MS Peters, RL Eriksen, B Jørgensen
Unconventional Optical Imaging III 12136, 211-216, 2022
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Articles 1–20