Andreea Ioana Sburlea
Cited by
Cited by
Decoding natural reach-and-grasp actions from human EEG
A Schwarz, P Ofner, J Pereira, AI Sburlea, GR Müller-Putz
Journal of neural engineering 15 (1), 016005, 2017
EEG neural correlates of goal-directed movement intention
J Pereira, P Ofner, A Schwarz, AI Sburlea, GR Müller-Putz
Neuroimage 149, 129-140, 2017
Continuous detection of the self-initiated walking pre-movement state from EEG correlates without session-to-session recalibration
AI Sburlea, L Montesano, J Minguez
Journal of neural engineering 12 (3), 036007, 2015
Continuous low-frequency EEG decoding of arm movement for closed-loop, natural control of a robotic arm
V Mondini, RJ Kobler, AI Sburlea, GR Müller-Putz
Journal of Neural Engineering 17 (4), 046031, 2020
Detecting intention to walk in stroke patients from pre-movement EEG correlates
AI Sburlea, L Montesano, RC de la Cuerda, IM Alguacil Diego, ...
Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation 12, 1-12, 2015
Online asynchronous decoding of error-related potentials during the continuous control of a robot
C Lopes-Dias, AI Sburlea, GR Müller-Putz
Scientific reports 9 (1), 17596, 2019
EEG patterns of self-paced movement imaginations towards externally-cued and internally-selected targets
J Pereira, AI Sburlea, GR Müller-Putz
Scientific reports 8 (1), 13394, 2018
Tuning characteristics of low-frequency EEG to positions and velocities in visuomotor and oculomotor tracking tasks
RJ Kobler, AI Sburlea, GR Müller-Putz
Scientific reports 8 (1), 17713, 2018
Masked and unmasked error-related potentials during continuous control and feedback
C Lopes Dias, AI Sburlea, GR Müller-Putz
Journal of neural engineering 15 (3), 036031, 2018
Exploring representations of human grasping in neural, muscle and kinematic signals
AI Sburlea, GR Müller-Putz
Scientific reports 8 (1), 16669, 2018
Corneo-retinal-dipole and eyelid-related eye artifacts can be corrected offline and online in electroencephalographic and magnetoencephalographic signals
RJ Kobler, AI Sburlea, C Lopes-Dias, A Schwarz, M Hirata, ...
NeuroImage 218, 117000, 2020
Distinct cortical networks for hand movement initiation and directional processing: an EEG study
RJ Kobler, E Kolesnichenko, AI Sburlea, GR Müller-Putz
NeuroImage 220, 117076, 2020
Distance-and speed-informed kinematics decoding improves M/EEG based upper-limb movement decoder accuracy
RJ Kobler, AI Sburlea, V Mondini, M Hirata, GR Müller-Putz
Journal of Neural Engineering 17 (5), 056027, 2020
Online asynchronous detection of error-related potentials in participants with spinal cord injury by adapting a pre-trained generic classifier
C Lopes-Dias, AI Sburlea, K Breitegger, D Wyss, H Drescher, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2011.13347, 2020
Inter-and intra-individual variability in brain oscillations during sports motor imagery
SC Wriessnegger, GR Müller-Putz, C Brunner, AI Sburlea
Frontiers in human neuroscience 14, 576241, 2020
Advantages of EEG phase patterns for the detection of gait intention in healthy and stroke subjects
AI Sburlea, L Montesano, J Minguez
Journal of neural engineering 14 (3), 036004, 2017
A guide to time-resolved and parameter-free measures of spike train synchrony
M Mulansky, N Bozanic, AI Sburlea, T Kreuz
IEEE International Conference on Event-based Control, Communication, and …, 2015
HEAR to remove pops and drifts: the high-variance electrode artifact removal (HEAR) algorithm
RJ Kobler, AI Sburlea, V Mondini, GR Müller-Putz
2019 41st annual international conference of the IEEE engineering in …, 2019
A Comparison of ocular Artifact removal Methods for Block Design based Electroencephalography Experiments.
RJ Kobler, AI Sburlea, GR Müller-Putz
GBCIC, 2017
Disentangling human grasping type from the object's intrinsic properties using low-frequency EEG signals
AI Sburlea, M Wilding, GR Müller-Putz
Neuroimage: Reports 1 (2), 100012, 2021
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Articles 1–20