Uimin Choi
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Cited by
Study and handling methods of power IGBT module failures in power electronic converter systems
UM Choi, F Blaabjerg, KB Lee
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 30 (5), 2517-2533, 2014
Reliability improvement of a T-type three-level inverter with fault-tolerant control strategy
UM Choi, F Blaabjerg, KB Lee
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 30 (5), 2660-2673, 2014
Diagnosis and tolerant strategy of an open-switch fault for T-type three-level inverter systems
UM Choi, KB Lee, F Blaabjerg
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 50 (1), 495-508, 2013
Method for detecting an open-switch fault in a grid-connected NPC inverter system
UM Choi, HG Jeong, KB Lee, F Blaabjerg
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 27 (6), 2726-2739, 2011
Open-circuit fault diagnosis and fault-tolerant control for a grid-connected NPC inverter
UM Choi, JS Lee, F Blaabjerg, KB Lee
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 31 (10), 7234-7247, 2015
Power cycling test methods for reliability assessment of power device modules in respect to temperature stress
UM Choi, F Blaabjerg, S Jørgensen
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 33 (3), 2531-2551, 2017
Advanced Accelerated Power Cycling Test for Reliability Investigation of Power Device Modules
UM Choi, S Joergensen, F Blaabjerg
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 31 (12), 8371 - 8386, 2016
Reliability improvement of power converters by means of condition monitoring of IGBT modules
UM Choi, F Blaabjerg, S Jørgensen, S Munk-Nielsen, B Rannestad
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 32 (10), 7990-7997, 2016
New modulation strategy to balance the neutral-point voltage for three-level neutral-clamped inverter systems
UM Choi, JS Lee, KB Lee
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 29 (1), 91-100, 2014
Simple neutral-point voltage control for three-level inverters using a discontinuous pulse width modulation
UM Choi, HH Lee, KB Lee
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 28 (2), 434-443, 2013
Study on Effect of Junction Temperature Swing Duration on Lifetime of Transfer Molded Power IGBT Modules
UM Choi, F Blaabjerg, S Jørgensen
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 32 (8), 6434-6443, 2017
Control strategy of two capacitor voltages for separate MPPTs in photovoltaic systems using neutral-point-clamped inverters
UM Choi, F Blaabjerg, KB Lee
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 51 (4), 3295-3303, 2015
Validation of lifetime prediction of IGBT modules based on linear damage accumulation by means of superimposed power cycling tests
UM Choi, K Ma, F Blaabjerg
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 65 (4), 3520-3529, 2017
Separation of wear-out failure modes of IGBT modules in grid-connected inverter systems
UM Choi, F Blaabjerg
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 33 (7), 6217-6223, 2017
Junction temperature estimation method for a 600 V, 30A IGBT module during converter operation
UM Choi, F Blaabjerg, F Iannuzzo, S Jørgensen
Microelectronics Reliability 55 (9-10), 2022-2026, 2015
Method to minimize the low-frequency neutral-point voltage oscillations with time-offset injection for neutral-point-clamped inverters
UM Choi, F Blaabjerg, KB Lee
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 51 (2), 1678-1691, 2014
Prediction and validation of wear-out reliability metrics for power semiconductor devices with mission profiles in motor drive application
K Ma, UM Choi, F Blaabjerg
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 33 (11), 9843-9853, 2018
Space vector modulation strategy for neutral‐point voltage balancing in three‐level inverter systems
UM Choi, KB Lee
IET Power Electronics 6 (7), 1390-1398, 2013
Comparison of tolerance controls for open-switch fault in a grid-connected T-type rectifier
JS Lee, UM Choi, KB Lee
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 30 (10), 5810-5820, 2014
Power cycling test and failure analysis of molded Intelligent Power IGBT Module under different temperature swing durations
UM Choi, F Blaabjerg, S Jørgensen, F Iannuzzo, H Wang, C Uhrenfeldt, ...
Microelectronics Reliability 64, 403-408, 2016
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Articles 1–20