Jonathan Arthurs
Jonathan Arthurs
Associate Professor
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The boundaries and limitations of agency theory and stewardship theory in the venture capitalist/entrepreneur relationship
JD Arthurs, LW Busenitz
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 28 (2), 145-162, 2003
Dynamic capabilities and venture performance: The effects of venture capitalists
JD Arthurs, LW Busenitz
Journal of business venturing 21 (2), 195-215, 2006
To start or not to start: Outcome and ability expectations in the decision to start a new venture
DM Townsend, LW Busenitz, JD Arthurs
Journal of business venturing 25 (2), 192-202, 2010
Managerial agents watching other agents: Multiple agency conflicts regarding underpricing in IPO firms
JD Arthurs, RE Hoskisson, LW Busenitz, RA Johnson
Academy of Management Journal 51 (2), 277-294, 2008
Signaling and initial public offerings: The use and impact of the lockup period
JD Arthurs, LW Busenitz, RE Hoskisson, RA Johnson
Journal of Business Venturing 24 (4), 360-372, 2009
Consumer animosity in the global value chain: The effect of international production shifts on willingness to purchase hybrid products
CA Funk, JD Arthurs, LJ Treviņo, J Joireman
Journal of international business studies 41, 639-651, 2010
The effects of venture capital syndicate diversity on earnings management and performance of IPOs in the US and UK: An institutional perspective
S Chahine, JD Arthurs, I Filatotchev, RE Hoskisson
Journal of Corporate Finance 18 (1), 179-192, 2012
Performance deviations and acquisition premiums: The impact of CEO celebrity on managerial risk‐taking
SY Cho, JD Arthurs, DM Townsend, DR Miller, JQ Barden
Strategic Management Journal 37 (13), 2677-2694, 2016
It's all good: Corporate social responsibility reduces negative and promotes positive responses to service failures among value-aligned customers
J Joireman, D Smith, RL Liu, J Arthurs
Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 34 (1), 32-49, 2015
Celebrity CEO, identity threat, and impression management: Impact of celebrity status on corporate social responsibility
G Lee, SY Cho, J Arthurs, EK Lee
Journal of Business Research 111, 69-84, 2020
Search behavior of the diversified firm: The impact of fit on innovation
SK Kim, JD Arthurs, A Sahaym, JB Cullen
Strategic management journal 34 (8), 999-1009, 2013
Cognition and capabilities in entrepreneurial ventures
LW Busenitz, JD Arthurs
The psychology of entrepreneurship, 163-182, 2014
Exploring the innovation strategies of young firms: Corporate venture capital and venture capital impact on alliance innovation strategy
TL Galloway, DR Miller, A Sahaym, JD Arthurs
Journal of Business Research 71, 55-65, 2017
Close your eyes or open your mind: Effects of sleep and mindfulness exercises on entrepreneurs' exhaustion
CY Murnieks, JD Arthurs, MS Cardon, N Farah, J Stornelli, JM Haynie
Journal of business venturing 35 (2), 105918, 2020
Firm–specific human capital and governance in IPO firms: Addressing agency and resource dependence concerns
JD Arthurs, LW Busenitz, RE Hoskisson, RA Johnson
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 33 (4), 845-865, 2009
Internal sequential innovations: How does interrelatedness affect patent renewal?
K Liu, J Arthurs, J Cullen, R Alexander
Research Policy 37 (5), 946-953, 2008
New insights into venture capitalists' activity: IPO and time-to-exit forecast as antecedents of their post-investment involvement
V Gerasymenko, JD Arthurs
Journal of Business Venturing 29 (3), 405-420, 2014
Looking attractive until you sell: Earnings management, lockup expiration, and venture capitalists
D Nam, HD Park, JD Arthurs
Journal of Management Studies 51 (8), 1286-1310, 2014
Principal costs in initial public offerings
T Dalziel, RE White, JD Arthurs
Journal of Management Studies 48 (6), 1346-1364, 2011
CEO pay inequity, CEO-TMT pay gap, and acquisition premiums
G Lee, SY Cho, J Arthurs, EK Lee
Journal of Business Research 98, 105-116, 2019
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Articles 1–20