Karina Paula Battes
Karina Paula Battes
Babeș-Bolyai University; Center of Systemic Biology, Biodiversity and Bioresources "3B”
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Cited by
Spatio‐temporal insights into microbiology of the freshwater‐to‐hypersaline, oxic‐hypoxic‐euxinic waters of Ursu Lake
A Baricz, CM Chiriac, AȘ Andrei, PA Bulzu, EA Levei, O Cadar, KP Battes, ...
Environmental Microbiology 23 (7), 3523-3540, 2021
Paradise lost? Pesticide pollution in a European region with considerable amount of traditional agriculture
VC Schreiner, M Link, S Kunz, E Szöcs, A Scharmüller, B Vogler, B Beck, ...
Water research 188, 116528, 2021
Do agricultural pesticides in streams influence riparian spiders?
N Graf, KP Battes, M Cimpean, P Dittrich, MH Entling, M Link, ...
Science of the Total Environment 660, 126-135, 2019
Limnology and plankton diversity of salt lakes from Transylvanian Basin (Romania): A review
M Alexe, G Șerban, A Baricz, AȘ Andrei, A Cristea, KP Battes, M Cîmpean, ...
J. limnol 77 (1), 17-34, 2018
Relationship between agricultural pesticides and the diet of riparian spiders in the field
N Graf, KP Battes, M Cimpean, MH Entling, K Frisch, M Link, ...
Environmental Sciences Europe 32, 1-12, 2020
Algal, macroinvertebrate and fish communities from the Arieş catchment area (Transylvania, Romania)
L Momeu, KW Battes, KP Battes, I Stoica, A Avram, M Cîmpean, ...
Transylvanian Review of Systematical and Ecological Research 7, 179-180, 2009
Integrating catchment land cover data to remotely assess freshwater quality: A step forward in heterogeneity analysis of river networks
I Şandric, A Satmari, C Zaharia, M Petrovici, M Cîmpean, KP Battes, ...
Aquatic Sciences 81, 1-11, 2019
Pesticide effects on macroinvertebrates and leaf litter decomposition in areas with traditional agriculture
M Link, VC Schreiner, N Graf, E Szöcs, M Bundschuh, KP Battes, ...
Science of the Total Environment 828, 154549, 2022
Preliminary data on algal, macroinvertebrate and fish communities from the Arieș catchment area, Transylvania, Romania.
L Momeu, KW Battes, F Pricope, A Avram, KP Battes, M Cîmpean, ...
Diel vertical distribution of planktonic microcrustaceans (Crustacea: Cladocera, Copepoda) in a natural shallow lake from Transylvania, Romania
KP Battes, L Momeu
Journal of Limnology 73 (2), 2014
Distribution of gobiid species (Gobiidae, Pisces) in the Yantra River (Danube basin, Bulgaria)
MV Vassilev, TA Trichkova, D Ureche, I Stoica, K Battes, MT Zivkov
Proceedings of the anniversary scientific conference of ecology 1, 163-172, 2008
Ecological analyses on benthic diatom and invertebrate communities from the Someșul Mic catchment area (Transylvania, Romania)
HM Florescu, M Cîmpean, L Momeu, L Leonte, D Bodea, KP BATTES
Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Biologia, 69-87, 2015
A species on the rise in Europe: Sinodiaptomus sarsi (Rylov, 1923)(Copepoda, Calanoida), a new record for the Romanian crustacean fauna
KP Battes, E Vancsa, L Barbu-Tudoran, M Cimpean
BioInvasions Records 9 (2), 320-332, 2020
The karstic lake Iezerul Ighiel (Transylvania, Romania): its first limnological study
L Momeu, AM CIORCA, OT László, C Segedi, KP Battes, M Cîmpean
Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Biologia, 39-60, 2015
Contrasting copepod community dynamics related to sampling strategies in the unsaturated zone of a karst aquifer
IN Meleg, KP Battes, F Fiers, OT Moldovan
Aquatic Ecology 49 (4), 549-560, 2015
Ecological aspects of benthic communities from the Someşul Cald catchment area
KP Battes, M Cîmpean, C Pavelescu, M Bogătean, L Momeu, ...
Annals of West University of Timisoara, Series of Biology, 3-4, 2000
Diversity and distribution of phototrophic primary producers in saline lakes from Transylvania, Romania
AM Şuteu, L Momeu, KP Battes, A Baricz, A Cristea, PA Bulzu, DM Buda, ...
Plant Systematics and Evolution 307 (1), 12, 2021
Same karstic substratum, different aquatic communities? Case study: three water bodies from western Romania
AM Ciorca, L Momeu, KP Battes
Studia UBB Biologia 62 (1), 67-85, 2017
Planktonic microcrustaceans (Crustacea: Cladocera, Copepoda) from several protected peat wetlands, differing in trophic state.
KP Battes, I Moldovan, A Sas
North-Western Journal of Zoology 10, 2014
Diversity of spring invertebrates and their habitats: a story of preferences
M Cîmpean, AM Șuteu, A Berindean, KP Battes
Diversity 14 (5), 367, 2022
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Articles 1–20