Michaela Huhn
Michaela Huhn
Ostfalia, University of Applied Sciences, Computer Science Faculty
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Citat de
Citat de
Modellqualität als indikator für softwarequalität: eine taxonomie
F Fieber, M Huhn, B Rumpe
Informatik-Spektrum 31, 408-424, 2008
Timed sequence diagrams and tool-based analysis—a case study
T Firley, M Huhn, K Diethers, T Gehrke, U Goltz
«UML»’99—The Unified Modeling Language: Beyond the Standard Second …, 1999
Vooduu: Verification of object-oriented designs using uppaal
K Diethers, M Huhn
International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and …, 2004
Model based system development in automotive
M Mutz, M Huhn, U Goltz, C Kroemke
SAE Technical Paper, 2003
Action refinement and property inheritance in systems of sequential agents
M Huhn
CONCUR'96: Concurrency Theory, 639-654, 1996
Model checking UML statecharts with time
K Diethers, U Goltz, M Huhn
UML 2002, Workshop on Critical Systems Development with UML, 2002
An algebraic semantics for message sequence chart documents
T Gehrke, M Huhn, A Rensink, H Wehrheim
International Conference on Protocol Specification, Testing and Verification …, 1998
Arguing for software quality in an IEC 62304 compliant development process
M Huhn, A Zechner
International Symposium On Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods …, 2010
Verification based on local states
M Huhn, P Niebert, F Wallner
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems: 4th …, 1998
Generation of Optimized Testsuites for UML Statecharts with Time
M Huhn, T Mucke
IFIP Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 2978, 128-143, 2011
Embedded systems architecture: Evaluation and analysis
B Florentz, M Huhn
International Conference on the Quality of Software Architectures, 145-162, 2006
A Generic FMU Interface for Modelica.
W Chen, M Huhn, P Fritzson
EOOLT, 19-24, 2011
Tool support for a scheduling analysis view
M Hagner, M Huhn
MARTE workshop at DATE 8, 41-46, 2008
Local first search—a new paradigm for partial order reductions
P Niebert, M Huhn, S Zennou, D Lugiez
International Conference on Concurrency Theory, 396-410, 2001
Jrep: Extending repast simphony for jade agent behavior components
J Gormer, G Homoceanu, C Mumme, M Huhn, JP Muller
2011 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conferences on Web Intelligence and …, 2011
8 UML for Software Safety and Certification: Model-Based Development of Safety-Critical Software-Intensive Systems
M Huhn, H Hungar
Dagstuhl Workshop on Model-Based Engineering of Embedded Real-Time Systems …, 2007
Autonomous agents in organized localities regulated by institutions
M Huhn, JP Müller, J Görmer, G Homoceanu, NT Le, L Märtin, C Mumme, ...
5th IEEE International Conference on Digital Ecosystems and Technologies …, 2011
Formal safety analysis in industrial practice
I Daskaya, M Huhn, S Milius
Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems: 16th International Workshop …, 2011
Analysing dependability case arguments using quality models
M Huhn, A Zechner
Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security: 28th International Conference …, 2009
Technische Randbedingungen jeder Kryptoregulierung
M Huhn, A Pfitzmann
Müller, G., Pfitzmann, A, 1996
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