Marin Dimitrov
Marin Dimitrov
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Developing Language Processing Components with GATE Version 5:(a User Guide)
H Cunningham, D Maynard, K Bontcheva, V Tablan, C Ursu, M Dimitrov, ...
University of Sheffield, 2009
Shallow methods for named entity coreference resolution
K Bontcheva, M Dimitrov, D Maynard, V Tablan, H Cunningham
Chaınes de références et résolveurs d’anaphores, workshop TALN, 24-27, 2002
A light-weight approach to coreference resolution for named entities in text
M Dimitrov, K Bontcheva, H Cunningham, D Maynard
Anaphora Processing: Linguistic, cognitive and computational modelling 263, 97, 2005
CLaRK-an XML-based system for corpora development
K Simov, Z Peev, M Kouylekov, A Simov, M Dimitrov, A Kiryakov
Proc. of the Corpus Linguistics 2001 Conference, 558-560, 2001
A BPMO Based Semantic Business Process Modelling Environment.
M Dimitrov, A Simov, S Stein, M Konstantinov
SBPM 251, 1613-0073, 2007
WSMO Studio–A Semantic Web Services Modelling Environment for WSMO: (System Description)
M Dimitrov, A Simov, V Momtchev, M Konstantinov
European Semantic Web Conference, 749-758, 2007
Sentinel: a semantic business process monitoring tool
C Pedrinaci, D Lambert, B Wetzstein, T van Lessen, L Cekov, M Dimitrov
Proceedings of the first international workshop on Ontology-supported …, 2008
Developing language processing components with GATE
H Cunningham, D Maynard, K Bontcheva, V Tablan, C Ursu, M Dimitrov, ...
GATE v2. 0 User Guide, University of Sheffield, 2001
DataGraft: One-stop-shop for open data management
D Roman, N Nikolov, A Putlier, D Sukhobok, B Elvesæter, A Berre, X Ye, ...
Semantic Web 9 (4), 393-411, 2018
OntoMap: portal for upper-level ontologies
A Kiryakov, KI Simov, M Dimitrov
Proceedings of the international conference on Formal Ontology in …, 2001
Developing language processing components with GATE (a user guide)
H Cunningham, D Maynard, K Bontcheva, V Tablan, C Ursu, M Dimitrov, ...
University of Sheffield, Sheffield UK 5, 2002
The GATE user guide
H Cunningham, D Maynard, K Bontcheva, V Tablan, C Ursu, M Dimitrov, ...
Datagraft: Simplifying open data publishing
D Roman, M Dimitrov, N Nikolov, A Putlier, D Sukhobok, B Elvesæter, ...
The Semantic Web: ESWC 2016 Satellite Events, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, May …, 2016
Language engineering tools for collaborative corpus annotation
H Cunningham, V Tablan, K Bontcheva, M Dimitrov
Proceedings of Corpus Linguistics 2003, 2003
Semantic web enabled, open source language technology
DK Bontcheva, MA Kiryakov, DH Cunningham, MB Popov, MM Dimitrov
Adapting a robust multi-genre NE system for automatic content extraction
D Maynard, H Cunningham, K Bontcheva, M Dimitrov
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Methodology, Systems …, 2002
WSMO Studio-an Integrated Service Environment for WSMO.
M Dimitrov, A Simov, V Momtchev, D Ognyanov
WIW, 2005
An execution engine for semantic business processes
T Van Lessen, J Nitzsche, M Dimitrov, M Konstantinov, D Karastoyanova, ...
Service-Oriented Computing-ICSOC 2007 Workshops: ICSOC 2007, International …, 2009
Annomarket: An open cloud platform for nlp
V Tablan, K Bontcheva, I Roberts, H Cunningham, M Dimitrov
Proceedings of the 51st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational …, 2013
Ontomap: The upper-ontology portal
A Kiryakov, KI Simov, M Dimitrov
Proceedings of" Formal Ontology in Information Systems", FOIS-2001, 2001
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Articles 1–20