Enda Hayes
Citat de
Citat de
The influence of diet crude protein level on odour and ammonia emissions from finishing pig houses
ET Hayes, ABG Leek, TP Curran, VA Dodd, OT Carton, VE Beattie, ...
Bioresource technology 91 (3), 309-315, 2004
Social robots for engagement in rehabilitative therapies: Design implications from a study with therapists
K Winkle, P Caleb-Solly, A Turton, P Bremner
Proceedings of the 2018 acm/ieee international conference on human-robot …, 2018
Odour and ammonia emissions from intensive poultry units in Ireland
ET Hayes, TP Curran, VA Dodd
Bioresource technology 97 (7), 933-939, 2006
Odour and ammonia emissions from intensive pig units in Ireland
ET Hayes, TP Curran, VA Dodd
Bioresource Technology 97 (7), 940-948, 2006
The influence of manure composition on emissions of odour and ammonia from finishing pigs fed different concentrations of dietary crude protein
ABG Leek, ET Hayes, TP Curran, JJ Callan, VE Beattie, VA Dodd, ...
Bioresource Technology 98 (18), 3431-3439, 2007
A dispersion modelling approach to determining the odour impact of intensive pig production units in Ireland
BA Sheridan, ET Hayes, TP Curran, VA Dodd
Bioresource technology 91 (2), 145-152, 2004
Introduction of local Air Quality Management in South Africa: overview and challenges
Y Naiker, RD Diab, M Zunckel, ET Hayes
Environmental science & policy 17, 62-71, 2012
Air pollution, deprivation and health: understanding relationships to add value to local air quality management policy and practice in Wales, UK
H Brunt, J Barnes, SJ Jones, JWS Longhurst, G Scally, E Hayes
Journal of Public Health 39 (3), 485-497, 2017
Spatial variations in airborne microorganism and endotoxin concentrations at green waste composting facilities
LJ Pankhurst, LJ Deacon, J Liu, GH Drew, ET Hayes, S Jackson, ...
International journal of hygiene and environmental health 214 (5), 376-383, 2011
The development of effects-based air quality management regimes
JWS Longhurst, JG Irwin, TJ Chatterton, ET Hayes, NS Leksmono, ...
Atmospheric environment 43 (1), 64-78, 2009
A dispersion modelling approach to determine the odour impact of intensive poultry production units in Ireland
ET Hayes, TP Curran, VA Dodd
Bioresource technology 97 (15), 1773-1779, 2006
Local air quality management as a risk management process: Assessing, managing and remediating the risk of exceeding an air quality objective in Great Britain
JWS Longhurst, CI Beattie, TJ Chatterton, ET Hayes, NS Leksmono, ...
Environment international 32 (8), 934-947, 2006
Building smart cities, the just way. A critical review of “smart” and “just” initiatives in Bristol, UK
AO Michalec, E Hayes, J Longhurst
Sustainable Cities and Society 47, 101510, 2019
Use of dispersion modelling for Environmental Impact Assessment of biological air pollution from composting: Progress, problems and prospects
P Douglas, ET Hayes, WB Williams, SF Tyrrel, RP Kinnersley, K Walsh, ...
Waste management 70, 22-29, 2017
Sources of airborne endotoxins in ambient air and exposure of nearby communities—a review
CA Rolph, CL Gwyther, SF Tyrrel, ZA Nasir, GH Drew, SK Jackson, ...
Atmosphere 9 (10), 375, 2018
Particle size distribution of airborne Aspergillus fumigatus spores emitted from compost using membrane filtration
LJ Deacon, LJ Pankhurst, GH Drew, ET Hayes, S Jackson, PJ Longhurst, ...
Atmospheric Environment 43 (35), 5698-5701, 2009
Local Air Quality Management policy and practice in the UK: The case for greater Public Health integration and engagement
H Brunt, J Barnes, JWS Longhurst, G Scally, E Hayes
Environmental Science & Policy 58, 52-60, 2016
Policy disconnect: A critical review of UK air quality policy in relation to EU and LAQM responsibilities over the last 20 years
JH Barnes, ET Hayes, TJ Chatterton, JWS Longhurst
Environmental science & policy 85, 28-39, 2018
Assessing air pollution in European cities to support a citizen centered approach to air quality management
V Rodrigues, C Gama, A Ascenso, K Oliveira, S Coelho, A Monteiro, ...
Science of The Total Environment 799, 149311, 2021
Exploring a city's potential low carbon futures using Delphi methods: some preliminary findings
R Bailey, JWS Longhurst, ET Hayes, L Hudson, KV Ragnarsdottir, ...
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 55 (8), 1022-1046, 2012
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