Shivam Agarwal
Cited by
Cited by
Flatland Competition 2020: MAPF and MARL for Efficient Train Coordination on a Grid World
F Laurent, M Schneider, C Scheller, J Watson, J Li, Z Chen, Y Zheng, ...
NeurIPS 2020 Competition and Demonstration Track 133, 275-301, 2021
Set Streams: Visual Exploration of Dynamic Overlapping Sets
S Agarwal, F Beck
Computer Graphics Forum 39 (3), 383-391, 2020
Bombalytics: Visualization of Competition and Collaboration Strategies of Players in a Bomb Laying Game
S Agarwal, G Wallner, F Beck
Computer Graphics Forum 39 (3), 89-100, 2020
Visualizing AI Playtesting Data of 2D Side-scrolling Games
S Agarwal, C Herrmann, G Wallner, F Beck
IEEE Conference on Games, 2020
A Design and Application Space for Visualizing User Sessions of Virtual and Mixed Reality Environments
S Agarwal, J Auda, S Schneegaß, F Beck
Vision, Modeling, and Visualization, 2020
Visually Connecting Historical Figures Through Event Knowledge Graphs
S Latif, S Agarwal, S Gottschalk, C Chrosch, F Feit, J Jahn, T Braun, ...
2021 IEEE Visualization Conference (VIS), 156-160, 2021
Visualizing Sets and Changes in Membership Using Layered Set Intersection Graphs
S Agarwal, G Tkachev, M Wermelinger, F Beck
Vision, Modeling, and Visualization, 2020
Computer-supported Interactive Assignment of Keywords for Literature Collections
S Agarwal, J Bernard, F Beck
IEEE VIS 2018 Workshop on Machine Learning from User Interaction for …, 2018
NodeTrix-Multiplex: Visual Analytics of Multiplex Small World Networks
S Agarwal, A Tomar, J Sreevalsan-Nair
International Workshop on Complex Networks and their Applications, 579-591, 2016
Visually Abstracting Event Sequences as Double Trees Enriched with Category‐Based Comparison
C Krause, S Agarwal, M Burch, F Beck
Computer Graphics Forum 42 (6), e14805, 2023
VisCoMET: Visually Analyzing Team Collaboration in Medical Emergency Trainings
C Liebers, S Agarwal, M Krug, K Pitsch, F Beck
Computer Graphics Forum 42 (3), 149-160, 2023
Design Study for Creating Pathfinder: A Visualization Tool for Generating Software Test Plans using Model based Testing.
K Lukose, S Agarwal, VN Rao, J Sreevalsan-Nair
VISIGRAPP (3: IVAPP), 289-300, 2018
Collaborative Design of Visual Analytic Techniques for Survey Data for Community-based Research in Public Health
J Sreevalsan-Nair, S Agarwal, RR Vangimalla, S Ramesh, N Murthy
Spatio-temporal Analysis of Multi-agent Scheduling Behaviors on Fixed-track Networks
S Agarwal, G Wallner, J Watson, F Beck
IEEE PacificVis, 2022
Visualizing Element Interactions in Dynamic Overlapping Sets
S Agarwal
The Eurographics Association, 2023
Visualizing the Evolution of Multi-agent Game-playing Behaviors
S Agarwal, S Latif, A Rothweiler, F Beck
EuroVis, 2022
CiteVis: Visual Analysis of Overlapping Citation Intents as Dynamic Sets
S Agarwal, U Ghosh, F Beck, J Sreevalsan-Nair
IEEE PacificVis, 2022
Visual Comparison of Multi-label Classification Results
C Krause, S Agarwal, M Ghoniem, F Beck
Vision, Modeling, and Visualization, 2021
How Visualization PhD Students Cope with Paper Rejections
S Agarwal, S Latif, F Beck
Celebrating the Scientific Value of Failure (FailFest) Workshop at IEEE VIS, 2020
NodeTrix-CommunityHierarchy: Techniques for Finding Hierarchical Communities for Visual Analytics of Small-world Networks.
J Sreevalsan-Nair, S Agarwal
VISIGRAPP (3: IVAPP), 140-151, 2017
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Articles 1–20