Annett Baasch
Annett Baasch
Anhalt University of Applied Science
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Importance of regional species pools and functional traits in colonization processes: predicting re‐colonization after large‐scale destruction of ecosystems
A Kirmer, S Tischew, WA Ozinga, M Von Lampe, A Baasch, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 45 (5), 1523-1530, 2008
Nine years of vegetation development in a postmining site: effects of spontaneous and assisted site recovery
A Baasch, A Kirmer, S Tischew
Journal of Applied Ecology 49 (1), 251-260, 2012
Evaluating restoration success of frequently implemented compensation measures: results and demands for control procedures
S Tischew, A Baasch, MK Conrad, A Kirmer
Restoration Ecology 18 (4), 467-480, 2010
Sowing of low and high diversity seed mixtures in ecological restoration of surface mined‐land
A Kirmer, A Baasch, S Tischew
Applied Vegetation Science 15 (2), 198-207, 2012
Functional community ecology meets restoration ecology: Assessing the restoration success of alluvial floodplain meadows with functional traits
K Engst, A Baasch, A Erfmeier, U Jandt, K May, R Schmiede, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 53 (3), 751-764, 2016
How to develop native plant communities in heavily altered ecosystems: examples from large‐scale surface mining in G ermany
S Tischew, A Baasch, H Grunert, A Kirmer
Applied vegetation science 17 (2), 288-301, 2014
Enhancing success in grassland restoration by adding regionally propagated target species
A Baasch, K Engst, R Schmiede, K May, S Tischew
Ecological engineering 94, 583-591, 2016
Disentangling tree species identity and richness effects on the herb layer: first results from a German tree diversity experiment
E Ampoorter, L Baeten, M Vanhellemont, H Bruelheide, ...
Journal of Vegetation Science 26 (4), 742-755, 2015
Twelve years of succession on sandy substrates in a post‐mining landscape: a Markov chain analysis
A Baasch, S Tischew, H Bruelheide
Ecological Applications 20 (4), 1136-1147, 2010
Insights into succession processes using temporally repeated habitat models: results from a long‐term study in a post‐mining landscape
A Baasch, S Tischew, H Bruelheide
Journal of Vegetation Science 20 (4), 629-638, 2009
Re-introduction of target species into degraded lowland hay meadows: How to manage the crucial first year?
H John, S Dullau, A Baasch, S Tischew
Ecological Engineering 86, 223-230, 2016
Assembly theory for restoring ecosystem structure and functioning: timing is everything?
VM Temperton, A Baasch, P von Gillhaussen, A Kirmer
Foundations of restoration ecology, 245-270, 2016
Tracking population genetic signatures of local extinction with herbarium specimens
C Rosche, A Baasch, K Runge, P Brade, S Träger, C Parisod, I Hensen
Annals of Botany 129 (7), 857-868, 2022
Predicting the establishment success of introduced target species in grassland restoration by functional traits
K Engst, A Baasch, H Bruelheide
Ecology and Evolution 7 (18), 7442-7453, 2017
How much effort is required for proper monitoring? Assessing the effects of different survey scenarios in a dry acidic grassland
A Baasch, S Tischew, H Bruelheide
Journal of Vegetation science 21 (5), 876-887, 2010
Management options and monitoring of restoration success
M Scotton, G Piotr, B Annett, T Sabine
Practical handbook for seed harvest and ecological restoration of species …, 2012
Gebietseigenes Wildpflanzensaatgut in Begrünungs-und Renaturierungsvorhaben fördern-Aufbau eines Spenderflächenkatasters und Informationssystems
I Hefter, G Jünger, A Baasch, S Tischew
Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung 42 (11), 333-340, 2010
Positive long-term effects of year-round horse grazing in orchid-rich dry calcareous grasslands–Results of a 12-year study
M Köhler, A Schmidt, N Hölzel, A Baasch, S Tischew
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 11, 1107987, 2023
Post-mining vegetation database Eastern Germany
G Jünger, A Baasch, A Kirmer, A Lorenz, S Tischew
Vegetation databases for the 21st century 4, 363-363, 2012
Long-term monitoring of sandy dry grassland in a post-mining landscape
A Baasch, S Tischew, H Bruelheide
6th European Conference on Ecological Restoration. Ghent, Belgium, 2008
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