Andreea Rebeka Zsigmond
Cited by
Cited by
Ecosystem shift of a mountain lake under climate and human pressure: A move out from the safe operating space
Z Szabó, K Buczkó, A Haliuc, I Pál, JL Korponai, RC Begy, D Veres, ...
Science of the Total Environment 743, 140584, 2020
Elemental composition of Russula cyanoxantha along an urbanization gradient in Cluj-Napoca (Romania)
AR Zsigmond, I Kántor, Z May, I Urák, K Héberger
Chemosphere 238, 124566, 2020
Elemental profile of edible mushrooms from a forest near a major Romanian city
AR Zsigmond, K Varga, S Harangi, E Baranyai, I Urák
Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Agriculture and Environment 7 (1), 98-107, 2015
Even the smallest habitat patch matters: on the fauna of peat bogs
R Gallé, F Samu, AR Zsigmond, N Gallé-Szpisjak, I Urák
Journal of Insect Conservation 23, 699-705, 2019
Elemental composition of wild growing Agaricus campestris mushroom in urban and peri-urban regions of Transylvania (Romania)
AR Zsigmond, K Varga, I Kántor, I Urák, Z May, K Héberger
Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 72, 15-21, 2018
Constraints on the hydrogeochemistry and origin of the CO2-rich mineral waters from the Eastern Carpathians–Transylvanian Basin boundary (Romania)
BM Kis, C Baciu, AR Zsigmond, L Kékedy-Nagy, K Kármán, L Palcsu, ...
Journal of Hydrology 591, 125311, 2020
Tree species and microhabitat affect forest bog spider fauna
R Gallé, N Gallé-Szpisjak, AR Zsigmond, B Könczey, I Urák
European Journal of Forest Research 140 (3), 691-702, 2021
Macro and trace elements in the black pine needles as inorganic indicators of urban traffic emissions
AR Zsigmond, A Száraz, I Urák
Environmental Pollution 291, 118228, 2021
Quantification of the rubidium in beverage products micro samples by platinum-wire loop in flame atomization atomic emission spectrometry
L Kékedy-Nagy, AR Zsigmond, E Cordos
Acta Chim. Slov 57, 912-915, 2010
Assessment of heavy metal content of lichen and soil collected from the Hăşmaş Mountains (Romania)
AR Zsigmond, I Urak
Biharean Biologist 5 (3), 69-72, 2011
Tiszai hullámtér feltöltődésének időbeli alakulása 137Cs-izotóp gamma spektrometriai vizsgálata alapján
Z Dezső, S Szabó, Á Bihari, I Mócsy, K Szacsvay, I Urák, AR Zsigmond
Mócsy, I., Szacsvay, K., Urák, I., Zsigmond, AR (ur.). Proc. V. Kárpát …, 2009
Simple and robust method for lithium traces determination in drinking water by atomic emission using low-power capacitively coupled plasma microtorch and microspectrometer
AR Zsigmond, T Frentiu, M Ponta, M Frentiu, D Petreus
Food chemistry 141 (4), 3621-3626, 2013
Contrasting diatom diversity in lentic and lotic habitats of Romanian peat bogs and the relation to environmental variables
IL Szigyártó, K Buczkó, I Rákossy, Z May, I Urák, AR Zsigmond
Fundamental and Applied Limnology 189 (2), 137-151, 2017
Data on elemental composition of Russula cyanoxantha along an urbanization gradient in Cluj-Napoca (Romania)
AR Zsigmond, I Kántor, Z May, I Urák, K Héberger
Data in brief 27, 104572, 2019
Two chironomid-inferred mean July air temperature reconstructions in the South Carpathian Mountains over the last 2000 years
Z Szabó, K Buczkó, JL Korponai, T Luoto, RC Begy, A Haliuc, D Veres, ...
The Holocene, 09596836241236353, 2024
Influence of the urban environment on four mushroom species in the light of their elemental composition
AR Zsigmond, IR Fejér, I Kántor, Z May, I Urák
Chemosphere 335, 139052, 2023
Elemental profile of non-commerical wines in changing traditional rural regions from Eastern Europe
XO Dembroszky, Z May, T Hartel, AR Zsigmond
Environmental Engineering and Management Journal 19 (4), 625-634, 2020
Assessment of lithium in transylvanian mineral waters using the platinum-wire loop faes technique
AR Zsigmond, L Kékedy-Nagy, EA Cordoş, C Măruţoiu
Environmental Engineering and Management Journal 11 (9), 1821-1826, 2012
Heather (Calluna vulgaris) supports spider diversity of oligotrophic peat bogs
I Urák, N Gallé-Szpisjak, IL Szigyártó, AR Zsigmond, R Gallé
Journal of Insect Conservation 27 (3), 415-422, 2023
Resilience of alpine lake macroinvertebrate communities to climate change: a view from the South Carpathian Mountains
E Tombor, JL Korponai, R Begy, AR Zsigmond, M Wojewódka-Przybył, ...
Hydrobiologia, 1-26, 2025
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Articles 1–20