Syed Muhammad Asad
Syed Muhammad Asad
Lecturer, Electrical Engineering Department, Al Fayha Private College
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Cited by
Using faculty course assessment report for the assessment of an associate degree course in engineering technology program
MMU Faiz, UB Mansoor, SM Asad, K Mahmood
2014 IEEE 6th Conference on Engineering Education (ICEED), 73-78, 2014
A robust and stable variable step-size design for the least-mean fourth algorithm using quotient form
SM Asad, M Moinuddin, A Zerguine, J Chambers
Signal Processing 162, 196-210, 2019
On the convergence analysis of a variable step-size LMF algorithm of the quotient form
SM Asad, A Zerguine, M Moinuddin
2010 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2010
Multiple access interference in MIMO-CDMA systems under Rayleigh fading: statistical characterization and applications
K Mahmood, SM Asad, M Moinuddin, A Zerguine, L Cheded
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2016, 1-18, 2016
Rayleigh fading channel estimation using MMSE estimator for MIMO-CDMA system
K Mahmood, SM Asad, OB Saeed, M Moinuddin, A Zerguine
2015 International conference on communications, signal processing, and …, 2015
Stochastic gradient algorithm based on an improved higher order exponentiated error cost function
U bin Mansoor, SM Asad, A Zerguine
Signals, Systems and Computers, 2014 48th Asilomar Conference on, 900 - 903, 2015
Statistical analysis of multiple access interference in rayleigh fading environment for mimo cdma systems
K Mahmood, SM Asad, M Moinuddin, A Zerguine, S Paul
2014 IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing (SSP), 412-415, 2014
A robust, iteration dependent variable step-size (RID-VSS) least-mean square (LMS) adaptive algorithm
U bin Mansoor, SM Asad
2020 International Conference on Engineering and Emerging Technologies …, 2020
Tracking MSE performance analysis of the∈-NSLMS algorithm
MMU Faiz, A Zerguine, SM Asad, K Mahmood
2015 International Conference on Communications, Signal Processing, and …, 2015
Design of MAI constrained decision feedback equalizer for MIMO CDMA system
K Mahmood, SM Asad, M Moinuddin, S Paul
2011 International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal …, 2011
MAI and Noise Constrained LMS Algorithm for MIMO CDMA Linear Equalizer
K Mahmood, SM Asad, M Moinuddin, W Imtiaz
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 7 (1 …, 2016
Convergence analysis of a modified Armijo rule step-size LMF algorithm
SM Asad, A Zerguine
2012 11th International Conference on Information Science, Signal Processing …, 2012
A Robust MAI Constrained Adaptive Algorithm for Decision Feedback Equalizer for MIMO Communication Systems
K Mahmood, SM Asad, M Moinuddin, W Imtiaz
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 7 (7), 2016
MAI plus noise-constrained LMS-based algorithm for MIMO-CDMA DFE systems
K Mahmood, SM Asad, A Zerguine, M Moinuddin
2015 IEEE 12th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices …, 2015
Using faculty course assessment report for the assessment of an associate degree course in engineering technology program
M Ulla Faiz, UB Mansoor, SM Asad, K Mahmood
ICEED 2014-2014 IEEE 6th Conference on Engineering Education, 2015
A Comparative Study of MIMO-DFE Receivers
K Mahmood, SM Asad, M Moinuddin
Asian Journal of Engineering, Sciences and Technology, 26, 2011
Variable Step-Size Least Mean Fourth Adaptive Algorithm: Basics, Concepts and Analysis
SM Asad
VDM Verlag, 2010
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Articles 1–17