Erin Bass
Cited by
Cited by
Resource security: Competition for global resources, strategic intent, and governments as owners
AE Bass, S Chakrabarty
Journal of International Business Studies 45 (8), 961-979, 2014
Comparing virtue, consequentialist, and deontological ethics-based corporate social responsibility: Mitigating microfinance risk in institutional voids
S Chakrabarty, AE Bass
Journal of business ethics 126 (3), 487-512, 2015
Corporate governance in microfinance institutions: Board composition and the ability to face institutional voids
S Chakrabarty, AE Bass
Corporate Governance: An International Review 22 (5), 367-386, 2014
The ethnographic method in CSR research: The role and importance of methodological fit
AE Bass, I Milosevic
Business & Society 57 (1), 174-215, 2018
The paradox of knowledge creation in a high-reliability organization: A case study
I Milosevic, AE Bass, GM Combs
Journal of Management 44 (3), 1174-1201, 2018
Institutionalizing ethics in institutional voids: Building positive ethical strength to serve women microfinance borrowers in negative contexts
S Chakrabarty, AE Bass
Journal of Business Ethics 119 (4), 529-542, 2014
Exploring the role of internationalization knowledge in fostering strategic renewal: A dynamic capabilities perspective
M Riviere, G Suder, AE Bass
International Business Review 27 (1), 66-77, 2018
Encouraging entrepreneurship: Microfinance, knowledge support, and the costs of operating in institutional voids
S Chakrabarty, AE Bass
Thunderbird International Business Review 55 (5), 545-562, 2013
The long-term energy transition: Drivers, outcomes, and the role of the multinational enterprise
AE Bass, B Grøgaard
Journal of International Business Studies 52 (5), 807-823, 2021
Revisiting Weber's charismatic leadership: Learning from the past and looking to the future
I Milosevic, AE Bass
Journal of Management History, 2014
Dynamic capability development in multinational enterprises: Reconciling routine reconfiguration between the headquarters and subsidiaries
M Riviere, AE Bass, U Andersson
Global Strategy Journal 11 (3), 380-401, 2021
Top management team diversity, equality, and innovation: A multilevel investigation of the health care industry
AE Bass
Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies 26 (3), 339-351, 2019
Leveraging positive psychological capital (PsyCap) in crisis: A multiphase framework
I Milosevic, AE Bass, D Milosevic
Organization Management Journal 14 (3), 127-146, 2017
How dimensions of internationalization shape the MNE's renewal capability: Multidimensional and multilevel considerations
M Riviere, AE Bass
Long Range Planning 52 (4), 101862, 2019
Ripping off the band-aid: Scrutiny bundling in the wake of social disapproval
VK Titus Jr, O Parker, AE Bass
Academy of Management Journal 61 (2), 637-660, 2018
Better to Be Loved by Some? Firm Flaunting as an Impression Management Strategy
AE Bass, M Pfarrer, I Milosevic, V Titus
Academy of Management Review 48, 292-312, 2023
Examining and reconciling identity issues among artist-entrepreneurs
AE Bass, I Milosevic, DT Eesley
Creating cultural capital: Cultural entrepreneurship in theory, pedagogy and …, 2015
From seats at the table to voices in the discussion: Antecedents of underrepresented director participation in board meetings
CS Tuggle, DG Sirmon, CJ Borgholthaus, L Bierman, AE Bass
Journal of Management Studies 59 (5), 1253-1283, 2022
Identity discovery and verification in artist-entrepreneurs: An active learning exercise
AE Bass
Organization Management Journal 14 (2), 90-103, 2017
Value Co-creation in Social Ventures: A Missing Link in the Effectual Logic–Performance Relationship
X Yang, AE Bass, EG Pleggenkuhle-Miles, J Ge
Journal of Social Entrepreneurship, 1-20, 2022
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