Emilie Gauthier
Emilie Gauthier
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Pollen and non-pollen palynomorph evidence of medieval farming activities in southwestern Greenland
E Gauthier, V Bichet, C Massa, C Petit, B Vannière, H Richard
Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 19, 427-438, 2010
A 2500 year record of natural and anthropogenic soil erosion in South Greenland
C Massa, V Bichet, É Gauthier, BB Perren, O Mathieu, C Petit, F Monna, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 32, 119-130, 2012
Long‐term dynamics in microbial eukaryotes communities: A palaeolimnological view based on sedimentary DNA
E Capo, D Debroas, F Arnaud, T Guillemot, V Bichet, L Millet, E Gauthier, ...
Molecular Ecology 25 (23), 5925-5943, 2016
Quantitative reconstruction of climatic variations during the Bronze and early Iron ages based on pollen and lake-level data in the NW Alps, France
M Magny, O Peyron, E Gauthier, Y Roueche, A Bordon, Y Billaud, ...
Quaternary International 200 (1-2), 102-110, 2009
A multiproxy evaluation of Holocene environmental change from Lake Igaliku, South Greenland
C Massa, BB Perren, E Gauthier, V Bichet, C Petit, H Richard
Journal of Paleolimnology 48, 241-258, 2012
Modern pollen rain and fungal spore assemblages from pasture woodlands around Lake Saint-Point (France)
B Dietre, É Gauthier, F Gillet
Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 186, 69-89, 2012
Impacts of new agricultural practices on soil erosion during the Bronze Age in the French Prealps
J Jacob, JR Disnar, F Arnaud, E Gauthier, Y Billaud, E Chapron, ...
The Holocene 19 (2), 241-249, 2009
Greenland climate change: from the past to the future
V Masson‐Delmotte, D Swingedouw, A Landais, MS Seidenkrantz, ...
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 3 (5), 427-449, 2012
Forêts et agriculteurs du Jura: les quatre derniers millénaires
E Gauthier
Presses Univ. Franche-Comté, 2004
Palaeohydrological changes and human-impact history over the last millennium recorded at Lake Joux in the Jura Mountains, Switzerland
M Magny, E Gauthier, B Vannière, O Peyron
The Holocene 18 (2), 255-265, 2008
Salt springs exploitation without pottery during Prehistory. From New Guinea to the French Jura
P Petrequin, O Weller, É Gauthier, A Dufraisse, JF Piningre
Ethnoarchaeology and its transfert 983, 37-65, 2001
A paleoecological perspective on 1450 years of human impacts from a lake in southern Greenland
BB Perren, C Massa, V Bichet, É Gauthier, O Mathieu, C Petit, H Richard
The Holocene 22 (9), 1025-1034, 2012
Land use change, soil erosion and alluvial dynamic in the lower Doubs Valley over the 1st millenium AD (Neublans, Jura, France)
B Vannière, G Bossuet, AV Walter-Simonnet, E Gauthier, P Barral, C Petit, ...
Journal of Archaeological Science 30 (10), 1283-1299, 2003
Changes in ecosystems, climate and societies in the Jura Mountains between 40 and 8 ka cal BP
C Cupillard, M Magny, H Bocherens, A Bridault, C Bégeot, V Bichet, ...
Quaternary International 378, 40-72, 2015
Quantitative estimates of temperature and precipitation changes over the last millennium from pollen and lake-level data at Lake Joux, Swiss Jura Mountains
M Magny, O Peyron, E Gauthier, B Vannière, L Millet, ...
Quaternary Research 75 (1), 45-54, 2011
7000 years of vegetation history and land-use changes in the Morvan Mountains (France): A regional synthesis
I Jouffroy-Bapicot, B Vannière, É Gauthier, H Richard, F Monna, C Petit
The Holocene 23 (12), 1888-1902, 2013
Anthropogenic versus climatic control in a high-resolution 1500-year chironomid stratigraphy from a southwestern Greenland lake
L Millet, C Massa, V Bichet, V Frossard, S Belle, E Gauthier
Quaternary Research 81 (2), 193-202, 2014
Anthracology of charcoal kilns in the forest of Chailluz (France) as a tool to understand Franche-Comte forestry from the mid-15th to the early 20th century AD
A Dupin, O Girardclos, C Fruchart, C Laplaige, L Nuninger, A Dufraisse, ...
Quaternary International 458, 200-213, 2017
Bronze Age at Lake Bourget (NW Alps, France): vegetation, human impact and climatic change
E Gauthier, H Richard
Quaternary International 200 (1-2), 111-119, 2009
Evolution de l'impact de l'homme sur la végétation du massif jurassien au cours des quatre derniers millénaires: nouvelles données palynologiques
E Gauthier
Besançon, 2001
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Articles 1–20