Radu Vacareanu
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Cited by
An updated probabilistic seismic hazard assessment for Romania and comparison with the approach and outcomes of the SHARE project
F Pavel, R Vacareanu, J Douglas, M Radulian, C Cioflan, A Barbat
Pure and Applied Geophysics 173, 1881-1905, 2016
Fore-arc and back-arc ground motion prediction model for Vrancea intermediate depth seismic source
R Vacareanu, M Radulian, M Iancovici, F Pavel, C Neagu
Journal of Earthquake Engineering 19 (3), 535-562, 2015
Quality assurance and its impact from higher education institutions’ perspectives: methodological approaches, experiences and expectations
SA Bejan, T Janatuinen, J Jurvelin, S Klöpping, H Malinen, B Minke, ...
Quality in Higher Education 21 (3), 343-371, 2015
Risk-targeted maps for Romania
R Vacareanu, F Pavel, I Craciun, V Coliba, C Arion, A Aldea, C Neagu
Journal of Seismology 22, 407-417, 2018
Advanced structural analysis
R Vacareanu, A Aldea, C Arion
Conspress, 2000
Seismic vulnerability of RC buildings in Bucharest, Romania
R Vacareanu, R Radoi, C Negulescu, A Aldea
13thWorld Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vancouver, Canada, 2004
On the selection of GMPEs for Vrancea subcrustal seismic source
R Vacareanu, F Pavel, A Aldea
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 11, 1867-1884, 2013
Scenario-based earthquake risk assessment for Bucharest, Romania
F Pavel, R Vacareanu
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 20, 138-144, 2016
Real-time earthquake damage assessment in the Romanian-Bulgarian border region
E Erduran, DH Lang, C Lindholm, D Toma-Danila, SF Balan, V Ionescu, ...
Proceedings of the 15th WCEE, 1-10, 2012
Modern urban seismic network in Bucharest, Romania
A Aldea, T Kashima, D Lungu, R Vacareanu, S Koyama, C Arion
Proceedings of the first international conference on urban earthquake …, 2004
Impact evaluation of institutional evaluation and programme accreditation at Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest (Romania)
AS Bejan, RM Damian, T Leiber, I Neuner, L Niculita, R Vacareanu
Impact Evaluation of Quality Management in Higher Education, 85-102, 2020
Spatial Correlation of Ground Motions from Vrancea (Romania) Intermediate‐Depth Earthquakes
F Pavel, R Vacareanu
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 107 (1), 489-494, 2017
Intensity-dependent site amplification factors for Vrancea intermediate-depth earthquakes
F Pavel, R Vacareanu, K Pitilakis
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 17, 2363-2380, 2019
Ground motion simulations for seismic stations in southern and eastern Romania and seismic hazard assessment
F Pavel, R Vacareanu
Journal of Seismology 21, 1023-1037, 2017
Macroseismic intensity prediction equations for Vrancea intermediate-depth seismic source
R Văcăreanu, M Iancovici, C Neagu, F Pavel
Natural Hazards 79, 2005-2031, 2015
Kappa and regional attenuation for Vrancea (Romania) earthquakes
F Pavel, R Vacareanu
Journal of Seismology 19, 791-799, 2015
RISK-UE, WP1: European Distinctive features, inventory database and typology
D Lungu, A Aldea, C Arion, T Cornea, R Vacareanu
Proc. of the International Conference “Earthquake Loss Estimation and Risk …, 2002
Spectral characteristics of strong ground motions from intermediate‐depth Vrancea seismic source
F Pavel, R Vacareanu, C Cioflan, M Iancovici
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 104 (6), 2842-2850, 2014
Effective stiffness and displacement capacity of short reinforced concrete columns with low concrete quality
V Popa, D Cotofana, R Vacareanu
Bulletin of earthquake engineering 12, 2705-2721, 2014
Seismic hazard, vulnerability and risk for Vrancea events
D Lungu, C Arion, A Aldea, R Vacareanu
International Symposium on Strong Vrancea Earthquakes and Risk Mitigation …, 2007
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Articles 1–20