Ruhul Amin Khalil
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Cited by
Speech Emotion Recognition using Deep Learning Techniques: A Review
RA Khalil, E Jones, MI Babar, T Jan, MH Zafar, T Alhussain
IEEE Access 7, 117327 - 117345, 2019
Deep Learning in the Industrial Internet of Things: Potentials, Challenges, and Emerging Applications
RA Khalil, N Saeed, M Masood, YM Fard, MS Alouini, TY Al-Naffouri
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 8 (14), 11016-11040, 2021
Towards the Internet of Underwater Things: Recent Developments and Future Challenges
RA Khalil, MI Babar, T Jan, N Saeed
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine 10 (6), 32-37, 2020
Advanced Learning Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems: Prospects and Challenges
RA Khalil, Z Safelnasr, N Yemane, M Kedir, A Shafiqurrahman, N Saeed
IEEE Open Journal of Vehicular Technology, 2024
Effect of Link Misalignment in the Optical-Internet of Underwater Things
RA Khalil, MI Babar, N Saeed, T Jan, HS Cho
Electronics 9 (4), 646, 2020
UAVs-assisted passive source localization using robust TDOA ranging for search and rescue
RA Khalil, N Saeed, M Almutiry
ICT Express 9 (4), 677-682, 2023
Optimal relay placement in magnetic induction-based internet of underwater things
RA Khalil, N Saeed
IEEE Sensors Journal 21 (1), 821-828, 2020
Neural Networks for the Detection of COVID-19 and Other Diseases: Prospects and Challenges
M Azeem, S Javaid, RA Khalil, H Fahim, T Althobaiti, N Alsharif, N Saeed
Bioengineering 10 (7), 850, 2023
Bayesian Multidimensional Scaling for Location Awareness in Hybrid-Internet of Underwater Things
RA Khalil, N Saeed, MI Babar, T Jan, S Din
IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica 9 (3), 496 - 509, 2021
Detection and spatial correlation analysis of infectious diseases using wireless body area network under imperfect wireless channel
DMS Bhatti, RA Khalil, N Saeed, H Nam
Big Data 10 (1), 54-64, 2022
Performances enhancement of fingerprint recognition system using classifiers
K Noor, T Jan, M Basheri, A Ali, RA Khalil, MH Zafar, M Ashraf, MI Babar, ...
IEEE Access 7, 5760-5768, 2018
Network Optimization for Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)
RA Khalil, N Saeed
IEEE Sensors Letters 4 (7), 1-4, 2020
Leveraging Large Language Models for Integrated Satellite-Aerial-Terrestrial Networks: Recent Advances and Future Directions
S Javaid, RA Khalil, N Saeed, B He, MS Alouini
IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, 2024
Robust graph‐based localization for industrial Internet of things in the presence of flipping ambiguities
MIU Haq, RA Khalil, M Almutiry, A Sawalmeh, T Ahmad, N Saeed
CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology 8 (4), 1140-1149, 2023
Hybrid source prior based independent vector analysis for blind separation of speech signals
JB Khan, T Jan, RA Khalil, A Altalbe
IEEE Access 8, 132871-132881, 2020
Energy-efficient anchor activation protocol for non-cooperative localization of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)
RA Khalil, N Saeed, M Almutiry, AH Alenezi
ICT Express 9 (5), 815-820, 2023
Convex Hull Optimization for Robust Localization in ISAC Systems
RA Khalil, N Saeed
IEEE Sensors Letters 7 (12), 1-4, 2023
Fingerprint image enhancement using multiple filters
H Shams, T Jan, AA Khalil, N Ahmad, A Munir, RA Khalil
PeerJ Computer Science 9, e1183, 2023
Robust ISAC Localization in Smart Cities: A Hybrid Network Approach for NLOS Challenges with Uncertain Parameters
T Althobaiti, RA Khalil, N Saeed
Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks 13 (1), 2, 2023
Path loss model for future terahertz (THz) wireless communication systems
S Shah, M Ashraf, N Saeed, T Jan, RA Khalil, MI Babar, G Ahmad, ...
Proc. Pakistan Acad. Sci., Phys. Comput. Sci. 56 (2), 55-65, 2019
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Articles 1–20