Gianna Maria Del Corso
Gianna Maria Del Corso
Associate Professor of Numerical Analysis, Pisa University
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GM Del Corso, A Gulli, F Romani
Proceedings of the 14th international conference on World Wide Web, 97-106, 2005
Fast PageRank computation via a sparse linear system
GM Del Corso, A Gulli, F Romani
Internet Mathematics 2 (3), 251-273, 2005
Finding exact solutions to the bandwidth minimization problem
GM Del Corso, G Manzini
Computing 62 (3), 189-203, 1999
Estimating an eigenvector by the power method with a random start
GM Del Corso
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 18 (4), 913-937, 1997
Inversion of circulant matrices over 𝐙_ {𝐦}
D Bini, G Del Corso, G Manzini, L Margara
Mathematics of computation 70 (235), 1169-1182, 2001
Patent Value Calculation
MJ Shaffer, GM Del Corso, F Romani
US Patent App. 13/479,153, 2012
Comparison of Krylov subspace methods on the PageRank problem
GM Del Corso, A Gullķ, F Romani
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 210 (1-2), 159-166, 2007
Evaluating scientific products by means of citation-based models: a first analysis and validation
DA Bini, GM Del Corso, F Romani
Electron. Trans. Numer. Anal 33 (1-16), 2009, 2008
Adaptive nonnegative matrix factorization and measure comparisons for recommender systems
GM Del Corso, F Romani
Applied Mathematics and Computation 354, 164-179, 2019
Quantum clustering with k-means: A hybrid approach
A Poggiali, A Berti, A Bernasconi, GM Del Corso, R Guidotti
Theoretical Computer Science 992, 114466, 2024
Heuristic spectral techniques for the reduction of bandwidth and work-bound of sparse matrices
GM Del Corso, F Romani
Numerical Algorithms 28, 117-136, 2001
An Implicit Multishift -Algorithm for Hermitian Plus Low Rank Matrices
R Vandebril, GM Del Corso
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 32 (4), 2190-2212, 2010
A combined approach for evaluating papers, authors and scientific journals
DA Bini, GM Del Corso, F Romani
Journal of computational and applied mathematics 234 (11), 3104-3121, 2010
A multi-class approach for ranking graph nodes: Models and experiments with incomplete data
GM Del Corso, F Romani
Information Sciences 329, 619-637, 2016
Fast PageRank computation via a sparse linear system
GM Del Corso, A Gullķ, F Romani
Algorithms and Models for the Web-Graph: Third International Workshop, WAW …, 2004
Matrix rank and communication complexity
B Codenotti, G Del Corso, G Manzini
Linear Algebra and its Applications 304 (1-3), 193-200, 2000
A CMV-based eigensolver for companion matrices
R Bevilacqua, GM Del Corso, L Gemignani
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 36 (3), 1046-1068, 2015
Structural properties of matrix unitary reduction to semiseparable form
R Bevilacqua, GMD Corso
Calcolo 41 (4), 177-202, 2004
Inversion of two level circulant matrices over Zp
CJ Accettella, GM Del Corso, G Manzini
Linear algebra and its applications 366, 5-23, 2003
Preconditioned edge-preserving image deblurring and denoising
L Bedini, GM Del Corso, A Tonazzini
Pattern Recognition Letters 22 (10), 1083-1101, 2001
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Articles 1–20