Mostafa Shahabinejad
Mostafa Shahabinejad
Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Alberta
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Cited by
An efficient binary locally repairable code for hadoop distributed file system
M Shahabinejad, M Khabbazian, M Ardakani
IEEE Communications Letters 18 (8), 1287-1290, 2014
A class of binary locally repairable codes
M Shahabinejad, M Khabbazian, M Ardakani
IEEE Transactions on Communications 64 (8), 3182-3193, 2016
A full-rate full-diversity 2x2 space-time block code with linear complexity for the maximum likelihood receiver
SSH Bidaki, S Talebi, M Shahabinejad
IEEE Communications Letters 15 (8), 842-844, 2011
Toward personalized emotion recognition: A face recognition based attention method for facial emotion recognition
M Shahabinejad, Y Wang, Y Yu, J Tang, J Li
2021 16th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture …, 2021
A new approach to fast decode quasi-orthogonal space-time block codes
A Ahmadi, S Talebi, M Shahabinejad
IEEE transactions on wireless communications 14 (1), 165-176, 2014
New full-diversity space-frequency block codes based on the OSTBCs
Z Mohammadian, M Shahabinejad, S Talebi
IEEE communications letters 16 (10), 1620-1623, 2012
Full-diversity space-time-frequency coding with very low complexity for the ML decoder
M Shahabinejad, S Talebi
IEEE communications letters 16 (5), 658-661, 2012
On the average locality of locally repairable codes
M Shahabinejad, M Khabbazian, M Ardakani
IEEE Transactions on Communications 66 (7), 2773-2783, 2017
An erasure code with reduced average locality for distributed storage systems
M Shahabinejad, M Ardakani, M Khabbazian
2017 International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications …, 2017
Improving the update complexity of locally repairable codes
M Mehrabi, M Shahabinejad, M Ardakani, M Khabbazian
IEEE Transactions on Communications 66 (9), 3711-3720, 2018
Quasi‐orthogonal space–frequency and space–time–frequency block codes with modified performance and simplified decoder
F Koroupi, A Morsali, V Niktab, M Shahabinejad, S Talebi
IET Communications 11 (11), 1655-1661, 2017
On the coding advantages of the quasi‐orthogonal space–frequency block codes
M Shahabinejad, A Morsali, S Talebi, M Shahabinejad
IET Communications 8 (4), 525-529, 2014
Space–time–frequency coding over quasi-static frequency-selective channels with linear complexity for the ML receiver
M Shahabinejad, S Talebi
Scientia Iranica 20 (3), 738-745, 2013
A new family of space-time block codes based on the ZF and the MMSE receivers
M Bahrami, M Samavat, M Shahabinejad, S Talebi
20th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE2012), 1199-1203, 2012
Space–frequency codes based on the space–time codes with very low complexity for the decoder
M Shahabinejad, FG Hosseini, S Talebi
IEEE transactions on vehicular technology 62 (9), 4678-4684, 2013
A New Full-Diversity Space-Time-Frequency Block Code for MIMO-OFDM Systems
Z Mohammadian, M Shahabinejad, S Talebi
Majlesi Journal of Electrical Engineering 7 (326), 1-7, 2013
The reduction of linear receivers complexity in ovelapped Alamouti code family
M Shahabinejad, SSH Bidaki, S Talebi, S Abasi
2011 19th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, 1-5, 2011
Locally Repairable Linear Block Codes for Distributed Storage Systems
M Shahabinejad
Optimal locally repairable codes with improved update complexity
M Mehrabi, M Shahabinejad, M Ardakani, M Khabbazian
arXiv preprint arXiv:1606.09463, 2016
Block circular delay diversity space-frequency codes with the enhanced performance
GF Hosseini, M Shahabinejad, M Shahabinejad, S Talebi
6th International Symposium on Telecommunications (IST), 416-419, 2012
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Articles 1–20