Julie Escoda
Citat de
Citat de
Estimation of local stresses and elastic properties of a mortar sample by FFT computation of fields on a 3D image
J Escoda, F Willot, D Jeulin, J Sanahuja, C Toulemonde
Cement and Concrete Research 41 (5), 542-556, 2011
Three‐dimensional morphological modelling of concrete using multiscale Poisson polyhedra
J Escoda, D Jeulin, F Willot, C Toulemonde
Journal of microscopy 258 (1), 31-48, 2015
Modélisation morphologique et micromécanique 3D de matériaux cimentaires
J Escoda
Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris, 2012
Influence of the multiscale distribution of particles on elastic properties of concrete
J Escoda, F Willot, D Jeulin, J Sanahuja, C Toulemonde
International Journal of Engineering Science 98, 60-71, 2016
Assessing the influence of CT acquisition parameters on flaw detectability through simulation
C Vienne, J Escoda, A Touron, M Costin
Simulation of 3D granular media by multiscale random polyhedra
J Escoda, D Jeulin, F Willot
Proceedings of the International Congress of Stereology, 2011
3D morphological analysis of local elastic fields in a cementitious material
J Escoda, F Willot, D Jeulin, J Sanahuja, C Toulemonde
Advances in Structural. Engineering and Mechanics (ASEM11), 2011
Neural Field Regularization by Denoising for 3D Sparse-View X-Ray Computed Tomography
R Vo, J Escoda, C Vienne, É Decencière
2024 International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV), 1166-1176, 2024
Evaluation and Comparison of Two Deep-Learning Strategies for On-Line X-Ray Computed Tomography
R Vo, J Escoda, C Vienne, É Decencière
49th Annual Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation …, 2023
Sparse-View X-Ray CT Reconstruction using CAD Model Registration
V Bussy, C Vienne, J Escoda, V Kaftandjian
49th Annual Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation …, 2023
Best projections selection algorithm based on constrained QDEIM for sparse-views X-ray Computed Tomography
V Bussy, C Vienne, J Escoda, V Kaftandjian
Journal of End-to-End-testing 28 (3), 2023
X-ray phase contrast imaging model: application on tomography with a single 2D phase grating
A Stolidi, A Touron, J Escoda, M Costin
Imagerie par rayons X et classification supervisée basée sur le transfert d’oxygène de bouchons en liège tubés
A Stolidi, J Escoda, V Chevalier, C Loisel, D Tixador, D Tourneix, ...
Revue des oenologues et des techniques vitivinicoles et oenologiques …, 2021
Plug-and-Play Learned Proximal Trajectory for 3D Sparse-View X-Ray Computed Tomography
R Vo, J Escoda, C Vienne, É Decencière
European Conference on Computer Vision, 221-238, 2025
Deep image prior for sparse-view reconstruction in static, rectangular multi-source X-ray CT systems for cargo scanning
C Bossuyt, J De Beenhouwer, J Sijbers, D Iuso, M Costin, J Escoda, ...
Developments in X-Ray Tomography XV 13152, 131520Y, 2024
X-ray Images Augmented with Simulated Virtual Flaws for Deep Learning Based Defect Detections
R Miorelli, A Touron, J Escoda, S Bannouf, E Demaldent
51st Annual Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation …, 2024
Adaptable online monitoring using simulated reference data approaches
M Costin, K Perlin, A Castrec, V Bussy, J Escoda
Utilisation de méthodes basées sur l'Intelligence Artificielle pour le contrôle non destructif par rayons X
J Escoda, R Miorelli, C Vienne, R Vo, E Decencière, A Sezer, ...
Journées COFREND 2023 28 (9), https://doi. org/10.58286/28495, 2023
Neural fields for sparse-view 3D X-ray imaging: preliminary work
R Vo, J Escoda, C Vienne, A Stolidi, E Decencière
ORASIS 2023-journées francophones des jeunes chercheurs en vision par ordinateur, 2023
Méthodologie optimisée pour la reconstruction tomographique avec ajout d’informations a priori pour l’inspection par rayons X
V Bussy, C Vienne, J Escoda, V Kaftandjian
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