Hugues Massicotte
Hugues Massicotte
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Specificity phenomena in mycorrhizal symbioses: community-ecological consequences and practical implications
R Molina, H Massicotte, JM Trappe
Mycorrhizal functioning, an integrative plant-fungal process 11, 357-423, 1992
Mycorrhizas: anatomy and cell biology
RL Peterson, HB Massicotte, LH Melville
NRC Research press, 2004
Petroleum hydrocarbon contamination in boreal forest soils: a mycorrhizal ecosystems perspective
SJ Robertson, WB McGill, HB Massicotte, PM Rutherford
Biological reviews 82 (2), 213-240, 2007
Exploring structural definitions of mycorrhizas, with emphasis on nutrient-exchange interfaces
RL Peterson, HB Massicotte
Canadian Journal of Botany 82 (8), 1074-1088, 2004
Biochar enhances seedling growth and alters root symbioses and properties of sub-boreal forest soils
SJ Robertson, PM Rutherford, JC Lopez-Gutierrez, HB Massicotte
Canadian Journal of Soil Science 92 (2), 329-340, 2012
Biology of the ectomycorrhizal genus, Rhizopogon II. Patterns of host‐fungus specificity following spore inoculation of diverse hosts grown in monoculture and dual …
HB Massicotte, R Molina, DL Luoma, JE Smith
New Phytologist 126 (4), 677-690, 1994
The co-occurrence of ectomycorrhizal, arbuscular mycorrhizal, and dark septate fungi in seedlings of four members of the Pinaceae
C Wagg, M Pautler, HB Massicotte, RL Peterson
Mycorrhiza 18, 103-110, 2008
Effect of plant growth promoting Bacillus strains on pine and spruce seedling growth and mycorrhizal infection
M Shishido, HB Massicotte, CP Chanway
Annals of Botany 77 (5), 433-442, 1996
Diversity and host specificity of ectomycorrhizal fungi retrieved from three adjacent forest sites by five host species
HB Massicotte, R Molina, LE Tackaberry, JE Smith, MP Amaranthus
Canadian Journal of Botany 77 (8), 1053-1076, 1999
Root colonization of Lupinus latifolius Agardh. and Pinus contorta Dougl. by Phialocephala fortinii Wang & Wilcox
TE O'dell, HB Massicotte, JM Trappe
New Phytologist 124 (1), 93-100, 1993
Extraction of potassium and/or magnesium from selected soil minerals by Piloderma
KR Glowa, JM Arocena, HB Massicotte
Geomicrobiology Journal 20 (2), 99-111, 2003
Chemical and mineral composition of ectomycorrhizosphere soils of subalpine fir (Abieslasiocarpa (Hook.) Nutt.) in the Ae horizon of a Luvisol
JM Arocena, KR Glowa, HB Massicotte, L Lavkulich
Canadian Journal of Soil Science 79 (1), 25-35, 1999
Ectomycorrhizas and climate change
BJ Pickles, KN Egger, HB Massicotte, DS Green
Fungal Ecology 5 (1), 73-84, 2012
Post-fire soil nitrogen content and vegetation composition in Sub-Boreal spruce forests of British Columbia's central interior, Canada
KG Driscoll, JM Arocena, HB Massicotte
Forest Ecology and Management 121 (3), 227-237, 1999
The impacts of broadcast burning after clear-cutting on the diversity of ectomycorrhizal fungi associated with hybrid spruce seedlings in central British Columbia
K Mah, LE Tackaberry, KN Egger, HB Massicotte
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 31 (2), 224-235, 2001
Structure and ontogeny of Alnus crispaAlpova diplophloeus ectomycorrhizae
HB Massicotte, RL Peterson, CA Ackerley, Y Piché
Canadian Journal of Botany 64 (1), 177-192, 1986
Community structure of ericoid mycorrhizas and root-associated fungi of Vaccinium membranaceum across an elevation gradient in the Canadian Rocky Mountains
MA Gorzelak, S Hambleton, HB Massicotte
Fungal ecology 5 (1), 36-45, 2012
Studies on Cenococcum geophilum. II. Sclerotium morphology, germination, and formation in pure culture and growth pouches
HB Massicotte, JM Trappe, RL Peterson, LH Melville
Canadian Journal of Botany 70 (1), 125-132, 1992
Anatomical aspects of field ectomycorrhizas on Polygonum viviparum (Polygonaceae) and Kobresia bellardii (Cyperaceae)
HB Massicotte, LH Melville, RL Peterson, DL Luoma
Mycorrhiza 7, 287-292, 1998
Seasonal variation in protein, ergosterol and chitin in five morphotypes of Pinus sylvestris L. ectomycorrhizae in a mature Swedish forest
H Wallander, HB Massicotte, JE Nylund
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 29 (1), 45-53, 1997
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