Eli Appleboim
Eli Appleboim
PhD in Mathematics
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Sampling and reconstruction of surfaces and higher dimensional manifolds
E Saucan, E Appleboim, YY Zeevi
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 30, 105-123, 2008
Combinatorial ricci curvature and laplacians for image processing
E Saucan, G Wolansky, E Appleboim, YY Zeevi
2009 2nd International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, 1-6, 2009
Curvature based clustering for DNA microarray data analysis
E Saucan, E Appleboim
Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis: Second Iberian Conference, IbPRIA …, 2005
Metric methods in surface triangulation
E Saucan, E Appleboim
IMA International Conference on Mathematics of Surfaces, 335-355, 2009
Geometric approach to sampling and communication
E Saucan, E Appleboim, YY Zeevi
Sampling Theory in Signal and Image Processing 11, 1-24, 2012
Ricci curvature and flow for image denoising and super-resolution
E Appleboim, E Saucan, YY Zeevi
2012 Proceedings of the 20th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO …, 2012
Local versus global in quasi-conformal mapping for medical imaging
E Saucan, E Appleboim, E Barak-Shimron, R Lev, YY Zeevi
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 32, 293-311, 2008
Combinatorial ricci curvature for image processing
E Saucan, E Appleboim, G Wolanski, Y Zeevi
MICCAI 2008 Workshop Manifolds in Medical Imaging: Metrics, Learning and Beyond, 2008
Geometric sampling of manifolds for image representation and processing
E Saucan, E Appleboim, YY Zeevi
International Conference on Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer …, 2007
Finite type invariants of links with a fixed linking matrix
E Appleboim
Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications 11 (07), 1017-1041, 2002
Image Projection and Representation on Sn
E Saucan, E Appleboim, YY Zeevi
Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications 13, 711-727, 2007
The scale-curvature connection and its application to texture segmentation
E Appleboim, Y Hyams, S Krakovski, C Sagiv, E Saucan
Theory and Applications of Mathematics & Computer Science 3 (1), 38, 2013
Normal approximations of geodesics on smooth triangulated surfaces
E Appleboim, E Saucan, J Stern
Scientific Studies and Research, 2009
Geometric sampling for signals with applications to images
E Appleboim, E Saucan, YY Zeevi
Proceedings of Sampta 2007, 2008
On the role of non-local menger curvature in image processing
G Gilboa, E Appleboim, E Saucan, YY Zeevi
2015 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 4337-4341, 2015
Geometric Wavelets for Image Processing: Metric Curvature of Wavelets
E Saucan, C Sagiv, E Appleboim
SAMPTA'09, Special session on geometric multiscale analysis, 2009
Quasi-isometric and quasi-conformal development of triangulated surfaces for computerized tomography
E Appleboim, E Saucan, YY Zeevi, O Zeitoun
International Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis, 361-374, 2006
Geometric reproducing kernels for signal reconstruction
E Appleboim, E Saucan, YY Zeevi
SAMPTA'09, General session, 2009
Two-dimensional sampling and representation of folded surfaces embedded in higher dimensional manifolds
E Saucan, E Appleboim, YY Zeevi
2006 14th European Signal Processing Conference, 1-5, 2006
Quasi-conformal flat representation of triangulated surfaces for computerized tomography
E Appleboim, E Saucan, YY Zeevi
International Workshop on Computer Vision Approaches to Medical Image …, 2006
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Articles 1–20