Isabel Kinney Ferreira de Miranda Santos
Isabel Kinney Ferreira de Miranda Santos
Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto
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Cited by
The genome sequence of taurine cattle: a window to ruminant biology and evolution
KCW Christine G Elsik, Ross L Tellam
Science 324 ((5926)), 522-528, 2009
The role of saliva in tick feeding
JMCR IMB Francischetti, A Sá-Nunes, BJ Mans, IM Santos
Frontiers in Bioscience 14, 2051, 2009
Mannan-binding lectin enhances susceptibility to visceral leishmaniasis
EJE Santos IK1, Costa CH, Krieger H, Feitosa MF, Zurakowski D, Fardin B ...
Infection and Immunity 69 ((8)), 5212-5215, 2001
Deconstructing tick saliva: non-protein molecules with potent immunomodulatory properties
FBR Oliveira CJ, Sá-Nunes A, Francischetti IM, Carregaro V, Anatriello E ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 286 ((13)), 10960-10969, 2011
Vaccines for the leishmaniases: proposals for a research agenda
Working Group on Research Priorities for Development of Leishmaniasis Vaccines
PLoS neglected tropical diseases 5 (3), e943, 2011
The D7 family of salivary proteins in blood sucking diptera
JG Valenzuela, R Charlab, EC Gonzalez, IKF De Miranda‐Santos, ...
Insect molecular biology 11 (2), 149-155, 2002
An insight into the sialotranscriptome of the brown dog tick, Rhipicephalus sanguineus
FBR Anatriello E, Ribeiro JM, de Miranda-Santos IK, Brandão LG, Anderson JM ...
BMC Genomics 11 ((1)), 450, 2010
Boophilus microplus: the pattern of immunoglobulin isotypes responses to high and low tick infestations
DMSIK Kashino SS, Resende J, Sacco AM, Rocha C, Proença L, Carvalho WA ...
Experimental Parasitology 110 ((1)), 12-21, 2005
The sialotranscriptome of Amblyomma triste, Amblyomma parvum and Amblyomma cajennense ticks, uncovered by 454-based RNA-seq
GR Garcia, LG Gardinassi, JM Ribeiro, E Anatriello, BR Ferreira, ...
Parasites & Vectors 7, 1-18, 2014
Genotypes of the mannan-binding lectin gene and susceptibility to visceral leishmaniasis and clinical complications
CCH Alonso DP, Ferreira AF, Ribolla PE, de Miranda Santos IK, do Socorro ...
Journal of Infectious Diseases 195 ((8)), 1212-1217, 2007
Characterisation of divergent flavivirus NS3 and NS5 protein sequences detected in Rhipicephalus microplus ticks from Brazil
SR Maruyama, LA Castro-Jorge, JMC Ribeiro, LG Gardinassi, GR Garcia, ...
Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 109 (01), 38-50, 2013
The sialotranscriptome of Antricola delacruzi female ticks is compatible with non-hematophagous behavior and an alternative source of food
MSIK Ribeiro JM, Labruna MB, Mans BJ, Maruyama SR, Francischetti IM, Barizon GC
Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 42 ((5)), 332-342, 2012
Immune and biochemical responses in skin differ between bovine hosts genetically susceptible and resistant to the cattle tick Rhipicephalus microplus
AM Franzin, SR Maruyama, GR Garcia, RP Oliveira, JMC Ribeiro, ...
Parasites & vectors 10, 1-24, 2017
Proteome of Rhipicephalus sanguineus tick saliva induced by the secretagogues pilocarpine and dopamine
CJ Oliveira, E Anatriello, IK de Miranda-Santos, IM Francischetti, ...
Ticks and tick-borne diseases 4 (6), 469-477, 2013
Gene discovery in Boophilus microplus, the cattle tick: the transcriptomes of ovaries, salivary glands, and hemocytes
BGH Santos IK, Valenzuela JG, Ribeiro JM, de Castro M, Costa JN, Costa AM ...
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1026 ((1)), 242-246, 2004
The expression of genes coding for distinct types of glycine-rich proteins varies according to the biology of three metastriate ticks, Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus …
MSIK Maruyama SR, Anatriello E, Anderson JM, Ribeiro JM, Brandão LG ...
BMC Genomics 11 ((1)), 363, 2010
Tick saliva induces regulatory dendritic cells: MAP-kinases and Toll-like receptor-2 expression as potential targets
FBR Oliveira CJ, Carvalho WA, Garcia GR, Gutierrez FR, de Miranda Santos IK ...
Veterinary Parasitology 167 ((2-4)), 288-297, 2010
Mining a differential sialotranscriptome of Rhipicephalus microplus guides antigen discovery to formulate a vaccine that reduces tick infestations
MSIKF Maruyama SR, Garcia GR, Teixeira FR, Brandão LG, Anderson JM, Ribeiro ...
Parasites & Vectors 10 ((1)), 206, 2017
Receptor for immunoglobulin Fc on pathogenic but not on nonpathogenic protozoa of the Trypanosomatidae.
IK De Miranda-Santos, A Campos-Neto
The Journal of experimental medicine 154 (6), 1732-1742, 1981
Blood Transcriptional Profiling Reveals Immunological Signatures of Distinct States of Infection of Humans with Leishmania infantum
LG Gardinassi, GR Garcia, CHN Costa, V Costa Silva, ...
PLoS neglected tropical diseases 10 (11), e0005123, 2016
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Articles 1–20