Dr. Ashwini Kumar Sharma
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Persistent luminescence:An insight
Abhilasha Jain, Ashwini Kumar, S.J.Dhoble, D.R.Peshwe
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 65 (2016), 135-153, 2016
Energy Transfer Mechanisms and Optical Thermometry of BaMgF4:Yb3+,Er3+ Phosphor
Bhushan P. Kore, Ashwini Kumar, Lucas Erasmus, R. E. Kroon, J. J. Terblans ...
Inorganic Chemistry, 2018
Enhancement of upconversion, temperature sensing and cathodoluminescence in the K+ /Na+ compensated CaMoO4:Er3+/Yb3+ nanophosphor
Shriya Sinha, Manoj Kumar Mahata, H. C. Swart, Ashwini Kumar, Kaushal Kumar
New Journal of Chemistry 41, 5362--5372, 2017
Spectroscopic Investigation of Up-Conversion Properties in Green Emitting BaMgF4:Yb3+,Tb3+ Phosphor
Bhushan P. Kore, Ashwini Kumar, Anurag Pandey, Robin E. Kroon, Jacobus J ...
Inorganic Chemistry 56, 4996−5005, 2017
Effect of fuel content on luminescence and antibacterial properties of zinc oxide nanocrystalline powders synthesized by the combustion method
Trilok K. Pathak, Ashwini Kumar, C. W. Swart, H. C. Swart and R. E. Kroon
RSC Advances 2016 (6), 97770–97782, 2016
Structural and photoluminescence features of Pr3+-activated different alkaline sodium-phosphate-phosphors
A. Balakrishna, Vinod Kumar, Ashwini Kumar, O.M. Ntwaeaborwa
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 686, 533-539, 2016
Facile precipitation synthesis of green-emitting BaY2F8:Yb3+, Ho3+ upconverting phosphor
Govind B. Nair, Ashwini Kumar, H.C. Swart, S.J. Dhoble
Ceramics International 45, 14205-14213, 2019
Improved steady-state photoluminescence derived from the compensation of the charge-imbalance in Ca3Mg3 (PO4) 4: Eu3+ phosphor
Govind B Nair, Ashwini Kumar, H.C. Swart, S.J. Dhoble
Ceramics International, 2019
Structural and Photoluminescence Properties of Nepheline-Structure NaAlSiO4: Dy3+ Nanophosphors
Ashwini Kumar, S.J. Dhoble, D.R. Peshwe, Jatin Bhatt
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 609, 100-106, 2014
Crystal structure, energy transfer mechanism and tunable luminescence in Ce3+/Dy3+ co-activated Ca20Mg3Al26Si3O68 nanophosphors
Ashwini Kumar, S.J. Dhoble, D.R. Peshwe, Jatin Bhatt, J.J. Terblans, H.C. Swart
Ceramics International 42 (9), 10854–10865, 2016
Structural and dielectric properties of pure potassium sodium niobate (KNN) lead free ceramics
J.P. Sharma, Dewashish Kumar, Ashwini K. Sharma
Solid State Communications, 2021
Synergistic effect from the dual oxidation states of europium in the color-tuning of Ca3Mg3 (PO4) 4: Eu2+, Eu3+ thermometric phosphor
Govind B Nair, Ashwini Kumar, SJ Dhoble, HC Swart
Materials Research Bulletin 122, 110644, 2020
Highly efficient infrared to visible up-conversion emission tuning from red to white in Eu/Yb co-doped NaYF4 phosphor
TK Pathak, A Kumar, LJB Erasmus, A Pandey, E Coetsee, HC Swart, ...
Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 207, 23-30, 2019
Upconversion process in BaY2F8: Yb3+, Ho3+ phosphor for optical thermometry
Govind B Nair, Ashwini K. Sharma, S.J. Dhoble, H.C. Swart
Luminescence, 2020
Effect of annealing on structural and luminescence properties of Eu3+ doped NaYF4 phosphor
Trilok K Pathak, Ashwini Kumar, HC Swart, RE Kroon
Physica B: Condensed Matter, 2018
Optical property investigations of polystyrene capped Ca 2 P 2 O 7: Dy 3+ persistent phosphor
A Jain, Ashwini Kumar, S.J. Dhoble, D.R. Peshwe
Materials Research Bulletin 70, 980-987, 2015
UV/VUV excited photoluminescence of Tb3+ doped LaPO4 green emitting phosphors for PDP applications
Vijay Singh, Ashwini Kumar, Chaitali M. Mehare, Hoonil Jeong, S.J. Dhoble
Optik, 2020
Structural and luminescence characteristics of Sr 3 Al 8 SiO 17: Eu 2+ nanophosphor
Ashwini Kumar, S.J. Dhoble, D.R. Peshwe, Jatin Bhatt
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 578, 389-393, 2013
Origin of visible and near IR upconversion in Yb3+-Tm3+-Er3+ doped BaMgF4 phosphor through energy transfer and cross-relaxation processes
BP Kore, A Kumar, RE Kroon, JJ Terblans, HC Swart
Optical Materials 99, 109511, 2020
Structural characterization and influence of calcination temperature on luminescence properties of Sr0.91Mg2Al5.82Si9.18O30: Eu3+ nanophosphors
Ashwini Kumar, S.J.Dhoble, Jatin Bhatt, J.J.Terblans, H.C.Swart
Powder Technology 354, 591-600, 2019
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