Bruce Andrew Davidson
Bruce Andrew Davidson
Researcher, UBC/QMI & CNR
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Structural and superconducting properties of orientation-ordered Y 1 Ba 2 Cu 3 O 7− x films prepared by molecular-beam epitaxy
J Kwo, TC Hsieh, RM Fleming, M Hong, SH Liou, BA Davidson, ...
Physical Review B 36 (7), 4039, 1987
Superconducting Y‐Ba‐Cu‐O oxide films by sputtering
M Hong, SH Liou, J Kwo, BA Davidson
Applied physics letters 51 (9), 694-696, 1987
Ge‐Si layered structures: Artificial crystals and complex cell ordered superlattices
J Bevk, JP Mannaerts, LC Feldman, BA Davidson, A Ourmazd
Applied physics letters 49 (5), 286-288, 1986
Strain-Engineered Oxygen Vacancies in CaMnO3 Thin Films
RU Chandrasena, W Yang, Q Lei, MU Delgado-Jaime, KD Wijesekara, ...
Nano letters 17 (2), 794-799, 2017
Preparation and characterization of LaMnO3 thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition
C Aruta, M Angeloni, G Balestrino, NG Boggio, PG Medaglia, A Tebano, ...
Journal of Applied physics 100 (2), 2006
Nature of the metal-insulator transition in few-unit-cell-thick LaNiO3 films
M Golalikhani, Q Lei, RU Chandrasena, L Kasaei, H Park, J Bai, P Orgiani, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 2206, 2018
Growth mechanism and clustering phenomena: The Ge-on-Si system
M Zinke-Allmang, LC Feldman, S Nakahara, BA Davidson
Physical Review B 39 (11), 7848, 1989
bilayers: Interface coupling and electric transport properties
R Werner, C Raisch, A Ruosi, BA Davidson, P Nagel, M Merz, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 82 (22), 224509, 2010
Deterministic and robust room-temperature exchange coupling in monodomain multiferroic BiFeO3 heterostructures
W Saenrang, BA Davidson, F Maccherozzi, JP Podkaminer, J Irwin, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 1583, 2017
Superconducting Tl‐Ba‐Ca‐Cu‐O films by sputtering
M Hong, SH Liou, DD Bacon, GS Grader, J Kwo, AR Kortan, BA Davidson
Applied physics letters 53 (21), 2102-2104, 1988
Strain in ultrathin epitaxial films of Ge/Si (100) measured by ion scattering and channeling
LC Feldman, J Bevk, BA Davidson, HJ Gossmann, JP Mannaerts
Physical review letters 59 (6), 664, 1987
Preparation of high Tc and Jc films of Ba2YCu3O7 using laser evaporation of a composite target containing BaF2
AM DeSantolo, ML Mandich, S Sunshine, BA Davidson, RM Fleming, ...
Applied physics letters 52 (23), 1995-1997, 1988
Improvements in the heteroepitaxy of GaAs on Si
RM Lum, JK Klingert, BA Davidson, MG Lamont
Applied physics letters 51 (1), 36-38, 1987
Electron sampling depth and saturation effects in perovskite films investigated by soft x-ray absorption spectroscopy
A Ruosi, C Raisch, A Verna, R Werner, BA Davidson, J Fujii, K Reinholt, ...
Physical Review B 90, 125120, 2014
The formation and structure of CVD W films produced by the Si reduction of WF 6
ML Green, YS Ali, T Boone, BA Davidson, LC Feldman, S Nakahara
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 134 (9), 2285, 1987
Observation of a halide (F/Cl) stabilized, new perovskite phase in superconducting Y2Ba5Cu7Ox films
J Kwo, M Hong, RM Fleming, AF Hebard, ML Mandich, AM DeSantolo, ...
Applied physics letters 52 (19), 1625-1627, 1988
Evidence of direct correlation between out-of-plane lattice parameter and metal-insulator transition temperature in oxygen-depleted manganite thin films
P Orgiani, AY Petrov, R Ciancio, A Galdi, L Maritato, BA Davidson
Applied Physics Letters 100 (4), 2012
Constructing oxide interfaces and heterostructures by atomic layer-by-layer laser molecular beam epitaxy
Q Lei, M Golalikhani, BA Davidson, G Liu, DG Schlom, Q Qiao, Y Zhu, ...
npj Quantum Materials 2 (1), 10, 2017
Improved tunneling magnetoresistance at low temperature in manganite junctions grown by molecular beam epitaxy
R Werner, AY Petrov, LA Miņo, R Kleiner, D Koelle, BA Davidson
Applied Physics Letters 98 (16), 2011
Observation of strong to Josephson-coupled crossover in 10° bicrystal junctions
RD Redwing, BM Hinaus, MS Rzchowski, NF Heinig, BA Davidson, ...
Applied physics letters 75 (20), 3171-3173, 1999
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Articles 1–20