Glen Murphy
Cited by
Cited by
Organizational culture and willingness to share knowledge: A competing values perspective in Australian context
A Wiewiora, B Trigunarsyah, G Murphy, V Coffey
International Journal of Project Management 31 (8), 1163-1174, 2013
Interactions between organizational culture, trustworthiness, and mechanisms for inter‐project knowledge sharing
A Wiewiora, G Murphy, B Trigunarsyah, K Brown
Project management journal 45 (2), 48-65, 2014
Post-PC devices: A summary of early iPad technology adoption in tertiary environments
G Murphy
E-Journal of Business Education and Scholarship of Teaching 5 (1), 18-32, 2011
High performance work practices: perceived determinants of adoption and the role of the HR practitioner
GD Murphy, G Southey
Personnel Review 32 (1), 73-92, 2003
Using social media to facilitate knowledge transfer in complex engineering environments: a primer for educators
G Murphy, S Salomone
European Journal of Engineering Education 38 (1), 70-84, 2013
Barriers to effective knowledge transfer in project-based organisations
A Wiewiora, B Trigunarsyah, G Murphy, C Liang
Proceedings of the international conference on global innovation in …, 2009
Unpacking ‘lessons learned’: investigating failures and considering alternative solutions
A Wiewiora, G Murphy
Knowledge Management Research & Practice 13 (1), 17-30, 2015
Improving the quality of manually acquired data: Applying the theory of planned behaviour to data quality
GD Murphy
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 94 (12), 1881-1886, 2009
Intra-organizational information asymmetry in offshore ISD outsourcing
S Maduka Nuwangi, D Sedera, S C. Srivastava, G Murphy
VINE: The journal of information and knowledge management systems 44 (1), 94-120, 2014
Multi-level knowledge transfer in software development outsourcing projects: The agency theory view
MN Subasinghage, D Sedera, G Murphy
Proceedings of the 33rd Annual International Conference on Information …, 2012
Co-management to solve homelessness: Wicked solutions for wicked problems
K Brown, R Keast, J Waterhouse, G Murphy, M Mandell
New Public Governance, the Third Sector, and Co-Production, 211-226, 2013
The use of social media for work-related knowledge sharing by construction professionals
R Etemadi, CKH Hon, G Murphy, K Manley
Architectural Engineering and Design Management 16 (6), 426-440, 2020
Differential effects of ERP systems on user outcomes—a longitudinal investigation
GD Murphy, A Chang, K Unsworth
New Technology, Work and Employment 27 (2), 147-162, 2012
Using Web 2.0 tools to facilitate knowledge transfer in complex organisational environments-a primer
G Murphy
ICOMS Asset Management Conference Adelaide 2010, 1-14, 2010
A capability maturity model for data acquisition and utilisation
G Murphy, A Chang
ICOMS asset management conference proceedings: sustain your business through …, 2009
The impact of unique characteristics of projects and project-based organisations on knowledge transfer
A Wiewiora, B Trigunarsyah, G Murphy, G Gable, C Liang
Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Knowledge Management, 888-896, 2009
Social innovation to solve homelessness: wicked solutions for wicked problems
K Brown, R Keast, J Waterhouse, G Murphy
Proceedings of the European Group of Public Administration Conference 2009 …, 2009
Closing the gaps and opening doors: The function of an integrated homelessness service system: Place-based networks analysis and case studies
R Keast, J Waterhouse, K Brown, G Murphy
Queensland Department of Communities, 2008
Post-PC devices: A summary of early iPad technology adoption in tertiary environments. E-Journal of Business Education & Scholarship of Teaching, 5 (1), 18-32
GD Murphy
Online at http://www. ejbest. org/upload/eJBEST_Murphy_2011_1. pdf, 2011
Advancing the theory of effective use through operationalization
R Eden, E Fielt, G Murphy
Proceedings of the 28th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS …, 2020
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Articles 1–20