Albert Ciceu
Albert Ciceu
Department of Forest Growth, Silviculture and Genetics, Austrian Research Centre for Forests (BFW)
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe bfw.gv.at
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Species discrimination and individual tree detection for predicting main dendrometric characteristics in mixed temperate forests by use of airborne laser scanning and ultra …
B Apostol, M Petrila, A Lorenț, A Ciceu, V Gancz, O Badea
Science of The Total Environment 698, 134074, 2020
Synthetic aperture radar sensitivity to forest changes: A simulations-based study for the Romanian forests
MA Tanase, L Villard, D Pitar, B Apostol, M Petrila, S Chivulescu, S Leca, ...
Science of the Total Environment 689, 1104-1114, 2019
A generalized nonlinear mixed-effects height–diameter model for Norway spruce in mixed-uneven aged stands
A Ciceu, J Garcia-Duro, I Seceleanu, O Badea
Forest Ecology and Management 477, 118507, 2020
Simulating tree growth response to climate change in structurally diverse oak and beech forests
L De Wergifosse, F André, H Goosse, A Boczon, S Cecchini, A Ciceu, ...
Science of the Total Environment 806, 150422, 2022
Data collection methods for forest inventory: a comparison between an integrated conventional equipment and terrestrial laser scanning
B Apostol, S Chivulescu, A Ciceu, M Petrila, IS Pascu, EN Apostol, S Leca, ...
Annals of Forest Research 50, 189-202, 2007
Climate change effects on tree growth from Romanian forest monitoring Level II plots
A Ciceu, I Popa, S Leca, D Pitar, S Chivulescu, O Badea
Science of the Total Environment 698, 134129, 2020
Shifts in forest species composition and abundance under climate change scenarios in southern Carpathian Romanian temperate forests
J García-Duro, A Ciceu, S Chivulescu, O Badea, MA Tanase, C Aponte
Forests 12 (11), 1434, 2021
Development phases and structural characteristics of the Penteleu-Viforâta virgin forest in the Curvature Carpathians
S Chivulescu, A Ciceu, S Leca, B Apostol, O Popescu, O Badea
iForest-Biogeosciences and Forestry 13 (5), 389, 2020
Modeling the diameter distribution of mixed uneven-aged stands in the south western Carpathians in Romania
A Ciceu, D Pitar, O Badea
Forests 12 (7), 958, 2021
Assisted tree migration can preserve the European forest carbon sink under climate change
D Chakraborty, A Ciceu, D Ballian, M Benito Garzón, A Bolte, G Bozic, ...
Nature Climate Change 14 (8), 845-852, 2024
Predictors of wood quality of trees in primary forests in the Southern Carpathians
S Chivulescu, S Leca, A Ciceu, D Pitar, B Apostol
Poljoprivreda i Sumarstvo 65 (4), 101-113, 2019
Age-independent diameter increment models for mixed mountain forests
A Ciceu, K Bronisz, J Garcia-Duro, O Badea
European Journal of Forest Research 141 (5), 781-800, 2022
Determining an accurate and cost-effective individual height-diameter model for Mongolian pine on sandy land
Y Han, Z Lei, A Ciceu, Y Zhou, F Zhou, D Yu
Forests 12 (9), 1144, 2021
Growth relationships in silver fir stands at their lower-altitude limit in Romania
GM Tudoran, A Cicșa, A Ciceu, AC Dobre
Forests 12 (4), 439, 2021
Examining the transferability of height–diameter model calibration strategies across studies
A Ciceu, D Chakraborty, T Ledermann
Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research, cpad063, 2023
Identifying and selecting methods for ecosystem services valuation-A case study in Piatra Craiului National Park.
R Cazacu, G Baciu, Ș Chivulescu, D Pitar, AC Dobre, B Apostol, ...
Revista de Silvicultură și Cinegetică 24 (47), 2020
Structural Features of Old Growth Forest from South Eastern Carpathians, Romania
V Cristea, Ș Leca, A Ciceu, Ș Chivulescu, O Badea
South-east European forestry: SEEFOR 10 (2), 159-164, 2019
The ongoing range expansion of the invasive oak lace bug across Europe: current occurrence and potential distribution under climate change
A Ciceu, F Bălăcenoiu, M De Groot, D Chakraborty, D Avtzis, M Barta, ...
Science of The Total Environment 949, 174950, 2024
Phenological analysis through the use of multitemporal TLS observations.
IS Pascu, AC Dobre, A Ciceu, O Badea, V Zamfira, E Apostol, Ș Leca, ...
Predicting the European Invasion of the Oak Lace Bug: A Species Distribution Modelling Perspective
A Ciceu, F Bălăcenoiu, D Avtzis, M Barta, S Blaster, M Bracalini, ...
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