Ibrahim Ethem Bagci
Ibrahim Ethem Bagci
Network Threat Analyst & Detection Engineer at VMware, Inc.
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A puf taxonomy
T McGrath, IE Bagci, ZM Wang, U Roedig, RJ Young
Applied physics reviews 6 (1), 2019
Using quantum confinement to uniquely identify devices
J Roberts, IE Bagci, MAM Zawawi, J Sexton, N Hulbert, YJ Noori, ...
Scientific reports 5 (1), 16456, 2015
Using Channel State Information for Tamper Detection in the Internet of Things
IE Bagci, U Roedig, I Martinovic, M Schulz, M Hollick
ACM, 2015
SonarSnoop: Active acoustic side-channel attacks
P Cheng, IE Bagci, U Roedig, J Yan
International Journal of Information Security 19, 213-228, 2020
Maximizing lifetime of event-unobservable wireless sensor networks
K Bicakci, H Gultekin, B Tavli, IE Bagci
Computer Standards & Interfaces 33 (4), 401-410, 2011
Extracting random numbers from quantum tunnelling through a single diode
R Bernardo-Gavito, IE Bagci, J Roberts, J Sexton, B Astbury, H Shokeir, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 17879, 2017
Optimal data compression and forwarding in wireless sensor networks
B Tavli, IE Bagci, O Ceylan
IEEE Communications Letters 14 (5), 408-410, 2010
Data processing and communication strategies for lifetime optimization in wireless sensor networks
B Tavli, M Kayaalp, O Ceylan, IE Bagci
AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications 64 (10), 992-998, 2010
Lifetime bounds of wireless sensor networks preserving perfect sink unobservability
K Bicakci, IE Bagci, B Tavli
IEEE Communications Letters 15 (2), 205-207, 2011
Combined secure storage and communication for the Internet of Things
IE Bagci, S Raza, T Chung, U Roedig, T Voigt
2013 IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communications and Networking …, 2013
Codo: Confidential Data Storage for Wireless Sensor Networks
IE Bagci, MR Pourmirza, S Raza, U Roedig, T Voigt
Communication/computation tradeoffs for prolonging network lifetime in wireless sensor networks: The case of digital signatures
K Bicakci, IE Bagci, B Tavli
Information Sciences 188, 44-63, 2012
Fusion: coalesced confidential storage and communication framework for the IoT
IE Bagci, S Raza, U Roedig, T Voigt
Security and Communication Networks 9 (15), 2656-2673, 2016
Smart speaker privacy control-acoustic tagging for personal voice assistants
P Cheng, IE Bagci, J Yan, U Roedig
2019 IEEE Security and Privacy Workshops (SPW), 144-149, 2019
Neighbor sensor networks: Increasing lifetime and eliminating partitioning through cooperation
K Bicakci, IE Bagci, B Tavli, Z Pala
Computer Standards & Interfaces 35 (4), 396-402, 2013
Defend your home! jamming unsolicited messages in the smart home
J Brown, IE Bagci, A King, U Roedig
Proceedings of the 2nd ACM workshop on Hot topics on wireless network …, 2013
Towards reactive acoustic jamming for personal voice assistants
P Cheng, IE Bagci, J Yan, U Roedig
Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Multimedia Privacy and …, 2018
Resonant-tunnelling diodes as PUF building blocks
IE Bagci, T McGrath, C Barthelmes, S Dean, RB Gavito, RJ Young, ...
IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing 9 (2), 878-885, 2019
Short paper: Gathering tamper evidence in Wi-Fi networks based on channel state information
IE Bagci, U Roedig, M Schulz, M Hollick
Proceedings of the 2014 ACM conference on Security and privacy in wireless …, 2014
Hotspot generation for unique identification with nanomaterials
NM Abdelazim, MJ Fong, T McGrath, CS Woodhead, F Al-Saymari, ...
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 1528, 2021
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Articles 1–20